A Different Approach to Learning SAS ® Software
Different ways of learning Reading a book Taking the classes Work experience Seminars, workshops User Groups
Internet- based learning Information Highway What the Internet can offer today Dive, surf, ski, search and find (DSSSF)
New Tools for teaching-project 1999 at University at Pennsylvania Who is James J. O'Donnell ? Book by UCLA English Professor Dick Lanham, The Electronic Word (1993) Internet assisted teaching and learning
The Magic of Learning the Internet Way Availability of learning material “whenever and wherever “ Ability to reach people around the globe and around the world Global friendship and Communication The “NET” as an informational educational tool
The role of technology E-learning Transformations of ways how we think, work and study E-books The role of - changing the way we communicate A world of information is being brought to our desktop
Distance teaching and learning On-line courses and trainings Choices between courses from all the world Possibility of comparing and improving Simplifying the process of learning
IT and Teaching Innovations Internet based learning solutions The University of Newcastle – Australia The Faculty of Engineering Provide interactive learning for students in Singapore
The Potential of the Internet The Online Tutoring Skills Project, funded by the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council LOLA- Learning About Learning on-line distance learning courses PHARE- European founded project
A model for teaching with technology Cary Academy’s Intranet via the Web site The school promotes technology in learning Using Web in teaching Cary’ Academy has earned a place I history Academy’s goal was creating a learning environment that will serve as a model (“Triangle Business Journal”)
SAS Software on the WEB SAS Software as an Integral part of the World Wide WEB An online approach to learning SAS Software
Learning SAS On-line E-books SAS e-books are attractively priced and provide customers with zero delivery costs and immediate access to SAS books using Adobe e- reader.
E-learning- Live WEB Classes On-line training SAS Online Tutor Software (for SAS version 8 and 9.1)
Thanks to the Internet opportunity to learn SAS SAS Online Tutor-HTML version of the SAS programming On-line documentation
I can’t say these free resources cover everything we need to learn about SAS For more comprehensive and intensive training, I recommend the courses offered by the company This could be very good beginning
Learning SAS Software from University Web sites The University of California at Los Angeles New method for learning SAS Software (movie) It is free and public
Knowledge System Institute(KSI) (KSI) is a fully accredited graduate school of computer and information science. Online learning at KSI provides us with the opportunity to advance our SAS knowledge using the Internet as a powerful tool.
Firstobs.com This site provides SAS System tutorials for learning There is a hyperlink to go further from this WEB site to find more SAS topics. What make this site unique? Long time on the market
Purdue University Homework Data Zip files Lecture, Class notes in Power Point
Learning on the Internet Positive things Convenient Free or minimal cost Easy to follow
What is negative about e-learning Kenji Kitao : Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan “The world of the Internet is changing every minute, or every second.
continuing The new environment Different style Personal preferences There is no any proof
There is a typo error Could be logical error – dangerous things Search, dive, and take this wonderful opportunity but be careful. Frequent changes Always check before you accept
CONCLUSION The University of Hong Kong self learning tutorial in SAS Software training.htm Web based SAS tutorial
continuing The students in Hong Kong are learning SAS from Indiana University
SAS Software learning on-line Comes from around the globe and around the Block Thanks to the INTERNET
Thanks too all professor who put their teaching on the Web and made public their presentation valuable for all of us
Mirjana Stojanovic statistical programmer