A Community and Its Helpers
What Is a Community? A community is where lots of different people live together and help each other.
Community Helpers Community helpers are people who live and work in the community, who help us each day. They help to make life easier, safe and more fun.
Community Helpers Fireman Policeman Postal worker Doctor Librarian Trash Collector Dentist School teacher Nurses Electrician Plumber Baker Military personnel Chef Political leaders Construction worker
Firefighter This man is a firefighter. He is saving a boy from a fire. Firefighters put out fires that can burn down a building. They save people and pets from the flames. Firefighters drive a Fire engine.
Police The Police help to keep our community safe. They direct cars on the road, help us in emergencies and protect us from people who do bad things. Police drive a police car.
Ambulance & Paramedics Ambulance officers are also called paramedics. They help sick people in emergencies. Paramedics drive an ambulance van.
Doctors Doctors help us to get well when we are sick. Some doctors work in a surgery, which is an office. Some doctors work in a hospital. Sometimes a doctor will give you a lollipop or a sticker for being so brave when you visit them!
Nurses Nurses work in the hospital and they help the doctors to care for people when they are not feeling well, or when babies are born.
Dentist We need to visit the dentist to look after our teeth. The dentist cleans our teeth with a special brush and looks into our mouth to make sure our teeth and gums are healthy.
Military Forces People in the Australian Navy, Airforce and Army help to keep our country safe. Your Grammy, Pa, Papa, Mummy and Daddy all served in the forces.
Baker A baker is a person who makes and cooks bread for us to eat. They have to start work very early so there is fresh bread for us in the shops each morning.
Butcher A butcher is someone who prepares and sells meat for us to eat.
Postal Worker Postal workers are people who help us to send and receive mail each day. Some postal workers bring the mail to our house and put it in our letterbox each day. Others work in the post office. Mail is things like letters, bills, and parcels, like the ones from Grandma and Grandad.
Librarian A librarian is someone who works in a library. A library is the place we go to borrow books. We can keep the books at home for a while but then we have to take them back to the library. The librarian helps us to find books and tells us when we need to take the books back to the library.
Sanitation Worker Sanitation workers are people who collect our garbage from our bins. They take the garbage away in big trucks and then take it to be thrown away or recycled.
Teacher A teacher is someone who helps you to learn. Teachers work in a school, kid’s church and mums and dads teach their children at home. You have teachers at preschool.
Chef/Cook A chef is a person who works in a restaurant kitchen, cooking yummy meals for us to eat.
Construction worker Constructions workers are people who build houses, shops and office buildings for us to live in and work in. Bob the Builder is a construction worker.
Cleaner A cleaner is someone who cleans up for us, to keep our community clean and tidy. Cleaners tidy our schools, parks and workplaces. Some people even hire someone to clean their house!
Community helpers work hard to help keep our community safe, clean and nice for us to live in. Thank you Community Helpers!
Emergencies If something is really wrong and Mummy or Daddy cannot help, it is important to ring 000 on the telephone and tell the person who answers that you need help. They will send the Police, Ambulance Officers or the Fire Brigade to come help you.