The New Normal: Understanding, Preparing and Moving Forward February 27, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

The New Normal: Understanding, Preparing and Moving Forward February 27, 2012

2012 ADC WINTER FORUM | PAGE 2 Marine Corps Base Quantico Steve Hundley, AICP Community Plans & Liaison Officer

2012 ADC WINTER FORUM | PAGE 3 “Crossroads of the Marine Corps”

2012 ADC WINTER FORUM | PAGE 4 Table Top Exercise Goals  Identify the mechanisms (e.g. processes, partnerships constructs, information needs, etc.) needed for regional stakeholders to work together to pursue mutually beneficial regional growth.  Further develop planning and information sharing relationships between region stakeholders based on a common understanding of growth opportunities and challenges facing the region.  Create a regional map of projected growth and development that identifies the opportunities and challenges that the region will likely face level over the next 20 years.  Create an Action Plan that identifies shared regional goals, objectives and recommended actions that will allow stakeholders to leverage their common interest and concerns and communicate with one voice.

2012 ADC WINTER FORUM | PAGE 5 TTX Outcome Established a Regional Planning Organization –Two tiered chartered organizations Quantico Regional Executive Steering Committee (QRESC) - strategic vision = 20 year horizon Quantico Regional Planning Team (QRPT) –Functional working groups Supporting Orgs. – Chambers of Commerce/Military Affairs Status –QRESC/QRPT established for over a year –5 projects approved –Transitioned from localized BRAC impact to regionally focus – long term and greater span –HQMC and State awareness and support

2012 ADC WINTER FORUM | PAGE 6 Regional Planning Organization Supporting Organizations -Prince William Forest Park -Prince William County Chamber of Commerce -Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce -Quantico Belvoir Regional Business Alliance (QBRBA) -Fredericksburg Military Assistance Council -Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG)/ National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) -Fredericksburg Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO) -Virginia National Defense Industrial Authority (VNDIA) -Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) -Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation -Virginia Department of Veteran Affairs and Homeland Security -Northern Virginia Community College -Germanna Community College -George Mason University -University of Mary Washington -Fort Belvoir -Fort AP Hill -Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Quantico Regional Executive Steering Committee (QRESC) Fauquier County Prince William County Stafford County Northern Virginia Regional Commission Rappahannock Rapidan Regional Commission George Washington Regional Commission

2012 ADC WINTER FORUM | PAGE 7 Regional Planning Projects

2012 ADC WINTER FORUM | PAGE 8 Projects Plan Overview  Project teams formed and projects ongoing  QRPT meets monthly  QRPT meets with each project team  Monitors progress and provides guidance to project teams  QRESC meets quarterly  Last meeting reviewed all projects status and provided QRESC guidance  QRESC scheduled 2 May 2012 Conference with regional stakeholders  Status update on regional planning  Project update to stakeholders

2012 ADC WINTER FORUM | PAGE 9 Planning Revalidation Tools  Plans -Range Management Plan (RMP) – Completed -Integrated Land Use Plan (ILUP) 2011 – Draft Final Report -Base Master Plan 2000/2012 – Underway -Admin Space Dev Validation 2007/ Underway -Transportation Management Plan (TDM) 2001/ Underway -Environmental Sustainability Plan Underway -Encroachment Control Plan (ECP) 2008/2012 – Underway IPR 1/26  - Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) 2012 – Approved by OSD/OEA; TriCounty Endorsed ILUPECP Master Plan Range Management Sustain- ability JLUS TMP

2012 ADC WINTER FORUM | PAGE 10 Purpose of Plans Seven plans are critical within the planning & evaluation processes of future growth & impacts aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico – Close to $4M investment in FY11 Key Issues: Active Live Fire Training IS the Primary Mission Master Planning Vision & Land Use Internal & External Encroachment Surrounding Community Support - QRESC Foundational Documents for Capital Improvement Planning & Facilities Lifecycle

2012 ADC WINTER FORUM | PAGE 11 MCBQ Points of Contact  Colonel Dan Choike Commander, Marine Corps Base Quantico Telephone #  Carmelo Melendez Director, Installation & Environment Division Telephone #  John Rosewarne Director, Business Performance Office Telephone #