Changing Speed The speed of light in a material depends on the electromagnetic properties. Permittivity and permeability The ratio of the speed in a material to that of a vacuum is the index of refraction.
Clear Media Air Ice1.31 Water1.333 Alcohol1.36 Quartz Plexiglas1.51 Crown glass1.52 Flint glass1.66 Zircon1.923 Diamond2.417 Values at 589 nm Every transmitting medium has its own index of refraction.
Refraction Geometry The geometry for refraction follow the same rules as reflection. Normal to the surfaceNormal to the surface Incident angle iIncident angle i Reflected angle rReflected angle r There is also a refracted ray. Transmitted angle tTransmitted angle t
Snell’s Law The ratio of the sines of the incident and reflected angles is proportional to the relative wavelengths in the material. The wavelength is inversely proportional to the index. Combined they become Snell’s law of refraction.
Bending In Light is refracted into a crown glass slab at 30.0°. Find the angle in crown glass. n 1 = 1.00 and n 2 = 1.52n 1 = 1.00 and n 2 = 1.52 θ 2 = sin -1 (n 1 / n 2 ) sin θ 1 = 19.2 oθ 2 = sin -1 (n 1 / n 2 ) sin θ 1 = 19.2 o The ray bends toward the normal. Always true for the higher index of refractionAlways true for the higher index of refraction
Bent Rays The refraction at the interface between water and air can cause objects to appear in the wrong place. A split spoon in a clear glass of water is a common example.
Mirage Air temperature affects the index of refraction. Lower for less dense, hot airLower for less dense, hot air The difference causes refraction.
Inversion At some times of the year there is a layer of cool air near the ground. Inverted mirageInverted mirage
Prism The index of refraction depends on the wavelength. Longer wavelengths - lower indexes A triangular prism has two refracting surfaces. One into glass One back to air The wavelengths are separated into a spectrum.
Polarization At an interface light becomes partially polarized. Separated beams reflected and transmittedSeparated beams reflected and transmitted If the beams are perpendicular then the reflected ray is fully polarized. Brewster’s angleBrewster’s angle next