Utah Core Science In this lesson we will learn… About Amphibians About Reptiles Their differences Their similarities
Let’s Learn About Amphibians CategoryTrait Vertebrate or Invertebrate? Vertebrate Warm or Cold Blooded Cold-blooded Eggs Found in water or damp places. Have soft, gel texture. Method of BreathingGills and lungs Skin TextureSmooth, moist and sometimes sticky. Metamorphosis Yes. Breathes water through gills until it develops lungs. Amphibian means:Living two lives (on land and water) ExamplesFrog, toad, newt, salamander Amphibian Song
Utah Amphibians What is my name? Click to see if you’re correct. American Bullfrog Great Plains Toad Tiger Salamander Northern Leopard FrogGreen Frog
Reptiles CategoryTrait Vertebrate or Invertebrate? Vertebrate Warm or Cold Blooded Cold-blooded Eggs Laid on land or kept in body until hatched. Hard leathery texture. Method of BreathingLungs Skin TextureDry and Scaly. MetamorphosisNo. Looks like a small adult. Reptiles:Live on land. ExamplesSnake, lizard, crocodiles, iguanas Reptiles: Bill Nye
Utah Reptiles Northern Plateau Lizard Western Collared Lizard (male) Gila Monster Sidewinder Rattlesnake Horned Lizard Desert Turtle Click picture to see my name!
Smooth, moist skin Lives part of life in water Has gills until lungs develop Lays eggs in water Metamorphosis Dry, scaly skin Lays eggs on land No Metamorphosis Let’s look at a Venn Diagram comparing reptiles and amphibians… Vertebrate Lungs Cold blooded Lives on land
Use a piece of paper to write the answer. Be sure to number your paper. 1.Amphibians lay their eggs in the ___________. 2.Reptiles lay their eggs on ____________. 3.Amphibians are _______ blooded. 4.Reptiles are ________ blooded. 5.T/F Amphibians are invertebrate? 6.T/F Reptiles are invertebrate? Amphibian or Reptile? Were you correct? 1. water 2. land 3. cold 4. warm 5. False 6. True 7. Reptile 8. Amphibian 9. Amphibian 10. Reptile
References 4 th Grade Standard 5 Objective 3 – UEN Lesson Plan Compare Anything. Amphibian vs Reptile. Retrieved November 2011, from