Implementation Review1 Moving Pre-Archive Pipeline Processing March 14, 2003 Forrest Hamilton/OPUS Ops
Implementation Review2 Goals Switch over will not disrupt the routine flow of science data processing or archiving Free up processing power for OTFR on ACDSDOPS Will help when ACS data become public Gain experience to use when we switch over the more complex OTFR pipelines
Implementation Review3 Plan Switch pre-archive science processing space over from ACDSDOPS storage array to EMC Migrate pre-archive science processing on ACDSDOPS to the Sun Fire 15K Both of these configurations will have already been successfully tested in the new test environment
Implementation Review4
6 OPUS Installation Primer opus_login.csh # setenv SOGS_DISK setenv OAPI_LIB setenv OPUS_DEFINITION setenv OPUS_HOME_DIR setenv DSQUERY setenv OPUS_DB setenv jref setenv jtab opus_definitions_dir = *.path STAGE_FILE = OPUS_HOME_DIR = OPUS_TEMP_DIR = POD_IN_DIR = ACS_CAL_DIR = STI_CAL_DIR = NIC_CAL_DIR = WF2_CAL_DIR *.pipeline dp_acs professor acdsdops ss_acs professor acdsdops dv_acs professor acdsdops wcsacs professor acdsdops gc_acs professor acdsdops calacs professor acdsdops /home/opus/defs/ /store/opus14_2/defs/unix/ source opus_login.csh.alias Pre-archive pipeline process
Implementation Review7 Post-installation Configuration opus_definitions_dir /home/opus/defs/ Ops files OPUS Installation Primer opus_definitions_dir Nominal Configuration Ops files DSB files /home/opus/defs/ /store/opus14_2/defs/unix/ Pre-installation Configuration Ops files DSB files Modified Ops files New DSB files /home/opus/defs/ /home/opus/opus14_3/ /store/opus14_2/defs/unix/ /store/opus14_3/defs/unix/ opus_definitions_dir Modified Ops files /store/opus14_3/defs/unix/ New DSB files
Implementation Review8 Migration Process: ACDSDOPS EMC Perform pipeline account access checks Deployment Review Needed to determine readiness and appropriate time for switch to EMC Copy OPUS software onto EMC No new OPUS software installation required Create a copy of pipeline configuration files and edit in the changes needed to point to the EMC Standard procedure used for OPUS software upgrades Terminate the CDBS (reference files) pipeline Copy reference data onto EMC
Implementation Review9 Migration Process: ACDSDOPS EMC Terminate pre-archive pipeline processing to allow data to clear off of the ACDSDOPS disks Done to prevent major cleanups if problems arise Migrate any trouble data over Activate modified configuration files Bring up pre-archive processing using EMC
Implementation Review10 Migration Process: ACDSDOPS Sun Fire 15K Verify PACOR-A interface Verify DADS interface Migrate OPUS pipeline configuration directory hierarchy from ACDSDOPS to Sun Fire 15K Similar process has already been done to activate the EDPS Verify pipeline account access Deployment Review Terminate pre-archive processing on ACDSDOPS Install the OPUS software version that supports Sun Fire 15K processing
Implementation Review11 Migration Process: ACDSDOPS Sun Fire 15k Activate configuration files pointing to the Sun Fire 15K Make use of new reference file area (GEIS format is OS dependent) Bring up pre-archive processing using the Sun Fire 15K
Implementation Review12 Risk Management Transitioning the easiest and most stable pipeline over onto new hardware first Migration of OTFR, which is a more complex pipeline, will occur later If problems arise, we can revert back to ACDSDOPS until problem resolution This is the case for either transition ACDSDOPS EMC ACDSDOPS Sun Fire 15K The pre-archive pipeline will contain as little data as possible (a.k.a draining the pipes) Again this will be done for both transitions
Implementation Review13 Schedule: EMC March 26, 2003: Connect 0.5 TB of EMC space to ACDSDOPS March 28, 2003: Aliveness Test for ACDSDOPS/EMC April 7, 2003: Acceptance Test for ACDSDOPS/EMC April 14, 2003: Deployment Review April 21, 2003: ACDSDOPS/EMC operational
Implementation Review14 Schedule: Sun Fire 15K