Topics to be covered VTAC Guide the importance of becoming familiar with its contents. All Year 12 students have now received a personal copy. The tertiary application process. Process of application – On-Line Key dates and deadlines Sources of advice and help Selection and the ATAR
VTAC Guide 2014 The VTAC Guide and website are essential resources and must be referred to during the whole application and selection period. i.e. August 2013 to February Most sections are relevant and should be read accordingly. See the documents distributed to all students
Application process for courses through VTAC Register Receive VTAC ID and PIN Login to VTAC User Account Apply for courses Apply for SEAS Apply for STAT/DULSAT Apply for Scholarships
Application – How to Register Students must register for a VTAC ID and nominate their own PIN via the VTAC website If they are a current Victorian Year 12 student their VCAA student number will be recorded as their VTAC ID. When they register they will be asked to select their own PIN.
VTAC User Account Your VTAC User Account only becomes available after registration. With your VTAC ID and PIN you login into your user account to view or change your course application apply for SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme) complete and submit the VTAC Personal History online print your documentation cover sheet view your ATAR view your offers
Course Application Closing date for applications 5.00pm Friday 27 September Late fees apply after this date All students must have their preferences lodged and a copy to the Careers Centre by the end of this term Maximum of twelve preferences
Course Application process = Online Internet - VTAC website Cost of application = $27.00 (on-line by debit /credit card or “Paypal”). Applications can be paid later – but don’t forget!! Failure to pay by close of Change of Preference will result in the non-processing of application. Students will need VCAA Student number Students need to create PIN on- line.
Applying on-line Refer to the “ABC of Applying” for application instructions Note the requirement to enter Unit 3&4 subjects studied in previous years Ensure that you will meet prerequisites and any special requirements for all course listed List courses IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE
Course Prerequisites Prerequisites - It is very important to check that you have the pre-requisite subjects. If not, your application will not be considered Note: The printed VTAC Guide will only indicate the existence of prerequisites. You will need to check the course entry on-line to find details From VTAC homepage go to Coursesearch and enter the course code
Extra Requirements Extra Requirements - Many courses have additional requirements such as interviews, folios, supplementary forms, auditions etc. Failure to complete these will render you ineligible. Most Extra Requirements have completion dates which make it impossible to add the course at Change of Preference time in December. Check the institution & VTAC websites for details
VET and Higher education -
Application process (cont.) VTAC website can be accessed from anywhere in the world. On-line application provides printed copy of application. Can be completed at school with assistance from Careers staff.
Types of Courses – Payment Options Most local students will apply for Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP). These courses attract a HECS debt which is repayable through the tax system. All CSP Course Codes end in “1” Privately run independent tertiary colleges will only offer full-fee places. Some of these courses will qualify for “FEE HELP”. Course Codes end in “2”. All full-fee course codes end in “2” International course codes end in “3” Courses ending in a “4”
Types of Courses – Payment Options International students have separate Course Codes. These end in “3”. Most Vocational Education and Training courses at TAFE institutes are government funded for students under 20. Many of these course will end in “4” (fees at the discretion of the institution) to indicate that older students may have to pay fees.
Results and the ATAR How is the ATAR calculated? VTAC uses VCE results issued by VCAA (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority) to calculate the ATAR. The ATAR is developed from an aggregate produced by adding: –Scaled subject score in English, English Language, Literature or ESL –The next best three scaled subject scores; and –10% of the fifth and sixth scaled subject scores that are available.
Results Results and ATAR available via internet, SMS (must pre- register) or telephone - December 16 from 7 a.m. Don’t rely on SMS if overseas – safer to use the internet option. Statements of results and ATAR mailed to selected address - December 18. Careers and curriculum staff available in school from December 16, 2013 Most universities and TAFE colleges and private providers offer information sessions/hotlines at this time. Details in Term 4.
COP (Change of Preference) August 5– October 25 and November 25 – December 23. Closes at 12 noon. - not 5 past !!! All students are invited to make appointments with Careers Staff to fine tune their selections. We will be at school from Monday to Friday of “results week”. Don’t leave it until the last day!! Final selection of courses should be in preference order not score order
Selection and Offer Process Many courses use other selection criteria: interview; folio; test (e.g. UMAT); attend information session
Course Offers Students will only receive one offer - the highest preferenced course for which they qualify. Students who apply for both CSP and full-fee courses will only receive one offer. This reinforces the need to list preferences to truly reflect your wishes.
Offers – Important Dates Offers for International students 2.00pm January First round offers for local students 2.00 p.m. January Second Round offers for local students, 2.00 p.m. February
The VCAA and VTAC processes exist to help provide a “level playing field” for students who have suffered difficulties (short or long term) which have significantly affected their performance. The school can help BUT only if we know about the problem. It is too late to tell us after you get your results. Special Consideration = VCAA Process & VTAC Process
Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) = VTAC Process All VTAC institutions now use a centralised application process for students who suffer disadvantage during their education. Disadvantage can be through a range of factors, including illness/disability, difficult family circumstances, socio-economic problems, unfamiliarity with English. Six different categories: –Most relate to long term situations. –Some categories include consideration of issues restricted to Year 11 and/or12.
Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) = VTAC process Student must have experienced a problem which has affected his education over a time greater than specific examination/SAC periods (these are covered by VCAA processes). Could be a long-term illness, family circumstances that have placed extra burdens on the student, non-English speaking background etc. Criteria for each institution on page 29 of the guide Application is completed on the VTAC website. Student must have completed a VTAC course application before accessing SEAS.
VTAC – SEAS(cont.) Supporting statements and evidence required from school and relevant professionals. Obtain written supporting statement before submitting through Careers staff. Some universities use this process for Access Scholarships. CLOSING DATE – 5.00 PM TUESDAY OCTOBER
Key Application Dates & Deadlines Applications open - August Lodge timely application by 5.00 pm September 27 Results and ATAR 7.00am December Change of preferences November 25 to noon December
Key Dates for Offers 2014 First Round offers - January Offers via the VTAC User Account (VTAC website). Enrolments for first round offers - late January. Second Round offers - February Semester 1 commences late February early March = most universities. TAFE courses commence early February. PLAN YOUR HOLIDAYS CAREFULLY!
Resources Careers Counsellors, Curriculum Office staff, Heads of House and Tutors, teachers, friends and family. Course selection and liaison officers at institutions - use them at Open Days/ Infolines/Websites VTAC website: Twitter Blog for everyone
Interstate Applications QTAC = Queensland SATAC = South Australia Tasmania = Direct to UTAS TISC = Western Australia UAC = ACT & NSW
TAX FILE NUMBERS In order to enrol in a Commonwealth Supported Place a student must have a Tax File Number. Lack of a TFN will delay or (sometimes) prevent enrolment. Make sure you have a TFN by applying through the “Schools Tax File Number System”. Fill in a TFN application and submit it to the Careers Centre. We will endorse and send to the Australian Tax Office.
QUESTIONS? CONTACTS: Frank Thompson Hermione Skadiang