Saint Nicolaus' church (Kostol svätého Mikuláša) Filip Humeňanský Frederika Adamisová 1.B Click on me!
Review History History Appearance Appearance Christianity Christianity Tourists Tourists Rare! Rare! Church in the evening Church in the evening View from the tower View from the tower Sources Sources Thank You! Hello! We would like to introduce you our presentation. We hope you’ll like it. Let’s click on the first line, then click on the star, please.
History one of the biggest churches in SR it's 71 meters high it was built in 14th century in 1418 the fire stopped building in 1420 they decided to continue building takes longer than 10 years in 1989 was the last renovation
Appearance altar organ church in 18th century
Christianity Sunday Mass in church become nice tradition for many people and their families, and they bring this tradition to their children. So this is the reason why church "remembers" so many generations in the past and in the future will be, too. Most of the Christians in Prešov sometimes come in to take a look or to pray and trust the God.
Tourists Even though Prešov is not very famous for people from other countries, they sometimes come and enjoy our historical monuments, because most of them are the one and only
Rare! This church is very precious and rare, and the people of Prešov apreciate it, but still there are some people, who are interested in making damage. Church is the place for everyone. It doesn't matter if people are good or bad, rich or poor. But the church is not here for somebody, who wants to spray at the walls, eating on the benches or sleep on the floor. When you want to do that, you don't have to go there! But when you want to trust the God and enjoy the history, you are thankful welcome here. Keep calm, and believe!
Church in the evening
View from the tower Here you can see how spectacular view is from the tower of church. Amazing!
Sources Wikipedia - Konkatedrala sv.Mikulasa Wikipedia - Konkatedrala sv.Mikulasa Google - "kostol sv.Mikulasa" Google - "kostol sv.Mikulasa" Rimskokatolícka farnost Presov Rimskokatolícka farnost Presov Cross Cross Thank You for watching.Good bye!