Introduction In Removable Partial Denture Dr.Mohammad Ibrahim Al Sayed 16/2/1429
Removable partial denture Denture replaces one or more teeth in the same arch. It can be removed from the mouth and replaced by the patient
Partially Edentulous patient
Classification of partially edentulous arches Kennedy method of classification
Class I Bilateral edentulous areas located posterior to the remaining natural teeth.
Class II Unilateral edentulous areas located posterior to the remaining natural teeth.
Class III A unilateral edentulous area with natural teeth remaining both anterior and posterior to it
Class IV A single ,but bilateral (crossing the midline) edentulous area located anterior to the remaining natural teeth
Indications for a Removable Partial Denture 1.To replace several teeth in the same quadrant or in both quadrants of the same arch. 2.As a temporary replacement for missing teeth in a child. 3.To replace missing teeth for patients who do not want a fixed bridge or implants. 4.For the patient who finds it easier to maintain good oral hygiene. 5.To serve as a splint to support periodontally involved teeth.
Contraindications for a Removable Partial Denture 1.A lack of suitable teeth in the arch to support, stabilize, and retain the removable prosthesis. 2.Rampant caries or severe periodontal conditions that threaten the remaining teeth in the arch. 3.A lack of patient acceptance for esthetic reasons. 4.Chronic poor oral hygiene.
Components of a Partial Denture 1.Framework The cast metal skeleton that provides support for the remaining components of the prosthesis. 2.Connectors Join various parts of the partial together Major connector Minor connector
Metal Framework
3.Retainer 4.Rest 5.Artificial teeth Known as a clasp, it supports and provides stability to the partial denture by partially circling an abutment tooth. 4.Rest A metal projection designed to control the seating of the prosthesis. 5.Artificial teeth Constructed from either acrylic or porcelain.
Components of a Partial Denture
Parts of the baseplate 1.Saddle 2.Connector 3. Occlusal rest
Materials of the baseplate 1. Acrylic 2. Metal 3. Metal-acrylic combination (alloys used for partial denture fabricating: cobalt-chrome alloys, gold alloys type IV and titanium)
Appointment Sequencing for a Partial Denture Appointment 1: Records Updated health and dental history. Prophylaxis. Preliminary impressions. Radiographs. Photographs.
Appointment 2: Preparation Prepare the teeth. Take the final impression. Take the occlusal registration. Select the shade and mold of the teeth. Prepare the laboratory prescription.
Appointment 3: Try-in Evaluate the fit, comfort, and function of the appliance. Evaluate the shade, mold, and arrangement of the teeth. Take new occlusal registration. Note any changes on the laboratory prescription.
Appointment 4: Delivery - Placement of the partial denture by the patient. - Check occlusion. - Detect any pressure points. - Check retainers for tension on the natural abutment teeth. - Polish partial. - Give patient home instructions.
Home Care Instructions for a Partial Denture - Store prosthesis in water when not wearing it. - After eating, remove it from mouth and brush or rinse the retainers, rests, and complete partial. - Brush and floss abutment teeth and natural teeth to keep them free of food debris and plaque. - Advise patient not to adjust the partial denture.
Appointment 5: Postdelivery check Evaluate the fit. Check the mucosa for pressure areas and sore spots. Evaluate the function of the prosthesis.
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