Drivers Edge: Interactive slides and videos Drivers Edge: Interactive slides and videos CATEGORY: Copyrighted Driver Education School Literature Copyright (C) 2002 InterActive Enterprises These electronic slide shows are produced by InterActive Enterprises. Microsoft PowerPoint ® was used to create the presentations. Each segment includes discussion questions and may include illustrations, photographs, videos, animations, etc. Contact us at for more information at: 852 Martin Dr., Palatine, IL with suggestions, comments, questions or for more information. This slide show is a type of educational media and is copyrighted in regards to slide layout, text and arrangement. You may modify, delete, or add to for your own use but you may not redistribute. One set of slides per school as contents may be copied to the computer’s hard drive. Networking in a computer lab is also allowed. See other restrictions in regards to graphics as required by agreements with graphic providers. RESTRICTIONS: “This product/publication includes images from Microsoft Design Gallery, Animation Factory, Corel MegaGallery and Corel Gallery 1,000,000 and Click Art which are protected by the copyright laws of the U.S., Canada and elsewhere. Used under license. These images are for viewing purposes only in this series and may not be saved or downloaded for other uses. Other images used by permission are from: In-Motion magazine, General Motors; selected videos from the U. S. Dept. of Transportation (Moving Safely Across America) Many other images are from the public domain. A limited warranty or guarantee is in effect upon initial receipt of this product. Any defective product will be replaced upon notification within 90 days of receipt of product.
Unit: Alcohol and Marijuana Day #1 Alcohol facts and discussion The primary learning outcomes desirable from this first lesson are as follows: 1)Become aware of the more relevant facts concerning alcohol and driving for younger drivers 2)That young people are more susceptible to the dangers of drinking and driving than the other driving populations 3)Explore some of the reasons why the younger driving population are at a higher risk 4)That we all can become victims unless preventative strategies are learned and utilized
Unit: Alcohol and Marijuana Day #1 Alcohol facts and discussion This lesson is designed to take approximately 50 minutes… including a suggested video or movie of about 20 minutes at the end. (of course discussion time will vary with instructor) --Students should first complete the 15 question Alcohol knowledge survey (which follows this slide) -it will serve as a outline for discussion as the unit unfolds. It is suggested that you print out this survey (located on CD) and duplicate it (hard copy) for your students. Do not discuss these 15 questions now… …they will all come up later in the unit. Also on the CD there is a file called: REVIEW QUESTIONS – Alcohol Marijuana. Also print this out and give students their own copy, as they will answer questions at end of each of the 4 alcohol related lessons.
ALCOHOL KNOWLEDGE SURVEY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS AS TRUE or FALSE ACCORDING TO YOUR CURRENT UNDERSTANDING (these 15 questions will serve as an outline for this first section) ANSWER THE QUESTIONS AS TRUE or FALSE ACCORDING TO YOUR CURRENT UNDERSTANDING (these 15 questions will serve as an outline for this first section)
1)Alcohol is a drug which acts upon the body as a depressant in the central nervous system (brain). True or False? 2) Alcohol is a stimulant to the central nervous system (brain). Alcohol survey questions 1-2
3)The reason drinking and driving can be dangerous is that alcohol prevents the brain from doing those normal functions required for driving? 4) The cerebrum is affected by alcohol first before other parts of the brain are affected? Alcohol survey questions 3-4
5) Drinking tends to make a person feel more self-confident even though his or her skills may be decreasing. Alcohol survey question 5
6) When people drink alcoholic beverages, they lose their muscular coordination before they lose their reasoning and judgmental abilities? Alcohol survey question 6
7)All the mental and physical abilities required to operate an automobile are affected if a person drinks enough? 8) Any person can become unconscious and even die from drinking too much? Alcohol survey questions 7-8
9) It takes at least 1 hour for the body to get rid of the effects of one can of beer? 10) There is no way to sober up quickly. Coffee, food, fresh air, exercise, or a cold shower will not help. Alcohol survey questions 9-10
11) If a person eats something before drinking, he or she won’t get drunk. Alcohol survey questions 11
13) How much a person drinks before driving should be their own decision. Alcohol survey questions ) The alcoholic causes most of the alcohol related fatalities on our roads and highways today.
14) If a friend is about to drive after drinking there is nothing you can do about it. 15) Teens should discuss the alcohol-driving problem with their parents and come to an agreement on what to do when problems arise. Alcohol survey questions These 15 questions will be considered as we cover various aspects of the drinking and driving problem
Let’s begin with several facts about alcohol and driving…
ALCOHOL FACTS Alcohol is involved in about 40% of all fatal traffic crashes It use to be over 50% …then declined …but now it is starting to increase again Alcohol is the #1 killer of teenagers and young people as a result of vehicle crashes and teenagers and young adults cause most of the alcohol related fatalities
AGES Alcohol is the #1 killer of teenagers and young people as a result of vehicle crashes and teenagers and young adults cause most of the alcohol related fatalities Fatalities involving intoxicated drivers
Inexperienced as drivers Inexperienced at drinking More susceptible to peer influences Teens drive in high risk situations - at night on weekends - at higher speeds Why are younger drivers involved in so many traffic collisions?
ALCOHOL FACTS Alcohol related crashes happen at all hours, but especially at night during weekends Male drivers are three times more likely to be involved in a fatality than females Statistically, most alcohol related fatalities occur after midnight on weekends and at holiday periods When males drink they are are usually more aggressive drivers Males are doing most of the driving during the high risk times Many males are more susceptible to peer pressure to take chances and drive fast
Review time…how much do you remember?
5) Many teens also drive at high-risk times, at night and on the weekends. They also have a tendency to drive:________ 2) True or False: Alcohol is the #2 killer of teenagers and young people as a result of vehicle crashes; and teenagers and young adults cause most of the alcohol related fatalities___________ 1) Alcohol is involved in about ______% of all fatal crashes. 3) Young people are involved in most alcohol related collisions because they are both inexperienced _________ and inexperienced __________ 4) Many teens are also susceptible to peer ___________
8) When males, drink they are usually more _____________ drivers. 7) Females are three times more likely to be involved in a alcohol related fatality than males. True or False: ______ 6) True or False: Statistically, most alcohol related fatalities occur after midnight on weekends and at holiday periods. _______ 9) True or False: If we do not take proper precautions, we increase the possibility of becoming a victim of a alcohol related crash. _______ 10) After what age, do alcohol-related crashes start declining? ________
Introduce video or movie Instructor note: sample newspaper clippings have been included to illustrate various points…but it is better if you can find your own local articles which will illustrate the same things…scan them and replace them in the slides…deleting the originals
It is suggested that you show a video or movie to finish this class session: - a suggestion: - a suggestion: D.U.I. / D.O.A -Synopsis: The Grim Reaper pays a visit to David’s high school and graphically illustrates the dangers of Alcohol, drugs and driving. Sadly, although David is taught, he does not learn. family and friends share his tragic story. - available from Safety Industries Inc. (775)