Sociology 545 Social Psychology Fall 2005 Fall 2005
Social Institutions Definition Definition Basic Considerations Basic Considerations The Law and Politics The Law and Politics Markets and Economics Markets and Economics Education and Mobility Education and Mobility Religion and Belief Religion and Belief
Social Institutions Definition: Definition: “Structures in society, manifested as groups of social positions and associated social relations, invested with legitimate authority, that serve to maintain and carry out essential social functions and perpetuate the social order. “ “Structures in society, manifested as groups of social positions and associated social relations, invested with legitimate authority, that serve to maintain and carry out essential social functions and perpetuate the social order. “
Social Institutions Basic Considerations All institutions are structures composed of social groups. All institutions are structures composed of social groups. A condition of social groups is the interrelationship of statuses. A condition of social groups is the interrelationship of statuses. All statuses are reflected in role behavior All statuses are reflected in role behavior Role behaviors are cognitively mediated by their occupants. Role behaviors are cognitively mediated by their occupants. Hence, institutions are cognitively mediated structures. Hence, institutions are cognitively mediated structures.
Social Institutions The Law and Politics
Social Institutions Approaches to Deviance –Structural (e.g. Merton’s Structural Strain) Innovator desires ends but hasn’t the means Innovator desires ends but hasn’t the means –Cognitive (e.g. Becker’s Labeling) Attributions via sanctioned legal process Attributions via sanctioned legal process (Law and Politics)
Social Institutions Court System Federal: Federal: - The Supreme Court 9) - The Supreme Court 9) - Court of Appeals 3) - Court of Appeals 3) - District Courts 1) - District Courts 1) - Bankruptcy Courts 1) - Bankruptcy Courts 1) State : State : - Superior 1) - Superior 1) merged with municipal in 2001 merged with municipal in 2001 (Law and Politics: The Judicial Structure)
Social Institutions State Court System –Superior Court 1) One for each county One for each county –Municipal Court Merged with Superior Courts in 2001 Merged with Superior Courts in 2001 (Law and Politics: The Judicial Structure)
Social Institutions The Criminal Process Arrest Arrest Preliminary Hearing Preliminary Hearing Arraignment Arraignment Pre-Trial Hearings Pre-Trial Hearings Trial Trial Verdict Verdict Sentencing Sentencing Incarceration Incarceration Parole Parole (Law and Politics)
Social Institutions Social Psychological Considerations Arrest and Arraignment Arrest and Arraignment –Memory / Cognitive consistency Pre-Trail and Trial Judgments Pre-Trail and Trial Judgments –Attribution of cause / Distributive Justice Sentencing Practices Sentencing Practices –Labeling / Status Characteristics and Expectation states (Law and Politics)
Social Institutions Markets and Economics
Social Institutions Approaches to Markets –Structure (Adam Smith - Supply/Demand) Production, Distribution & Consumption Production, Distribution & Consumption –Process (Arrow – Rational Choice) Interpersonal Utility. Risk Preference Interpersonal Utility. Risk Preference (Markets and Economics )
Disintermediation and The Monetary System: Disintermediation and The Monetary System: –The Federal Reserve – 13 Districts –Debt – Banks / Bonds –Equity – Stocks / VC Social Institutions (Markets and Economics)
Social Psychological Considerations Production, Distribution & Consumption Production, Distribution & Consumption –Utility / Exchange Equity Risk Preference Risk Preference –Opportunity Costs / Comparison Level GNP GNP –Generalized Exchange
Social Institutions (Markets and Economics) Risk Preference Risk Preference Risk Reward Value CL Salience
Social Institutions (Markets and Economics) Money and Meaning: Money and Meaning: Earned Income Wages, Salaries Wages, Salaries Unearned Income Dividends, Interest Dividends, Interest Capital Gains Real & Personal Property Real & Personal Property Taxes To 40% To 77% To 28%
Social Institutions Education and Mobility
Social Institutions (Education and Mobility) Structure (Status Attainment Model) –Parents Status, Education & 1 st Job status Family SES GradesAbility Ambition Education
Social Institutions (Education and Mobility) Social Psychological Considerations Attribution and achievement Attribution and achievement –Status Characteristics and Success Attribution Costs, Reward & Delayed Gratification Costs, Reward & Delayed Gratification –Delay as Dissonance Reduction Role Modeling Role Modeling –Role Self Merger
Social Institutions (Education and Mobility) Family SES GradesAbility Ambition Education Self Attribution Role Modeling Delayed Gratification Process (Soc Psych Model)
Social Institutions Religion and Belief
Social Institutions (Religion and Belief) Structure Structure –Hierarchically Organized (Bureaucracies) –Bound by Symbols, Belief and Ritual Symbols Beliefs RitualOrganizations However, cognitive mediation => disassociation from task => rise of denominations and ultimately cults and sects, where the membership is based more on the beliefs, symbols and ritual than on the organizational membership.
Social Institutions (Religion and Belief) Social Psychological Considerations Belief Belief –Dissonance Reduction Symbols Symbols –Significant Symbols Ritual Ritual – Intermittent Reinforcement / Reward
Social Institutions (Religion and Belief) Symbols Beliefs Ritual Dissonance Reduction Intermittent Rewards Organization S-I’s Significance Process (Soc Psych Model)