Stock Market Project
STEP 1: Pick no fewer than 7 stocks to include in your investment portfolio Print a current graph (past 6 months of activity). Use Excel and High-Low-Close Chart to chart your stocks Maintain a weekly graph for each stock throughout the semester Each week you will provide via a chart similar to the current chart that you completed during week one of this project. You may provide seven individual charts; however, I believe that once you become more proficient with excel, you will find it easier to combine ALL your stocks within one chart. Summarize - The written part of this process is to tell me a summary of the company, facts (at least 5) about the company and why you selected this particular stock or why you would discourage future investment (see below for example). Keep it simple. I am looking for the “meat and potatoes” of your choices.
In addition to the summary and facts about each company each group will need to attach five current news articles to back up your claims to buy or not buy this stock. Each article does not have to be a full-length article but either a heading or part of the article to prove your decision regarding your stocks. The article(s) should be within the last 3 months. Please provide source. i.e. internet website, news magazine, newspaper, etc… Each article should be accompanied with a brief one-paragraph summary. A quick Google search should yield multiple articles. I also suggest visiting Yahoo finance and search their site. The bottom line: tell me whether you recommend the stock; support with evidence and opinion. In other words, I am an investor, you are my money manager and I what you to convince one way or another why a particular stock is a good or bad investment or fits my investment criteria. Be persuasive‼ This is the part of the project which will convince me of your understanding. You have a lot of latitude on how you will express yourself; however, be cognizant of the fact that you need to be persuasive. STEP 1:
STEP 2: Portfolio Questions 1. What was your biggest gainer during the semester? 2. What was your biggest loser during the semester? 3. Did you make money overall or did you lose money? 4. What was your return on investment (ROI) 4. Which stock in your portfolio had very little change? 5. What was your most volatile stock? 6. Did you sell anything before it actually dropped? If so which ones and why? 7. Did you use the teacup method and catch a stock before it rose? If so which ones? 8. What was the determining factor when you purchased stock? What made you buy a certain stock? 9. How did you decide on the companies to buy?
STEP 3: Individual Research This section will also require research similar to the first section of the project. For the research portion of this section you will examine three different options for investing $250,000 not including the stock market. Then, research the possible gains that you could have and list what the annual gain rate might be. For example, if you purchased a mutual fund you may have an annual gain of 9% a year. You will then calculate and show me what that gain would look like in 5 years, 10 years and 20 years. Lastly, list three advantages and three disadvantages of this type of investment, and explain the type of research involved. In order to complete this portion of the project successfully, your group will write a two to three page paper summarizing other investment options.
STEP 4: Final Thoughts Summarize the entire stock market experience. Discuss any gains and losses over the entire month, not just the last weeks. Discuss any feelings you have about the stock market in general or this educational experience.
Stock Market Rubric Cover page: 5 points Use a blank sheet of paper stapled to the front of your project with your name in the lower left hand corner, my name, and the period. Group Assessment: 15 points This is the part of the project where you will have an opportunity to assess each other. Step 1: 20 points Step 2: 20 points Step 3: 20 points Step 4: 20 points TOTAL 100 points
Working Cooperatively Dividing up the work Pay attention to “Due Dates” Exchange phone numbers and addresses Everyone has a voice Please talk to me if problems develop Remember!!! You will each have an opportunity to assess each other thus, teamwork is critical for not only your success but for the success of the team.
DUE DATES: Step 1: Portfolio List and 1 st set of graphs due ________________ Stock portfolio graphs due EVERY Monday by 10pm Step 2 Due _____________ Step 3 Due _____________ Step 4 Due: _____________ Student Assessment Due: ________________
Student Learning Packet