1 ELEMENTARY INTERVENTIONS Board of Education Meeting February 21, 2012
2 LANGUAGE ! Language!, the adopted replacement core for students in Grades 4-6, is a highly structured accelerated program designed to re-teach English-language arts concepts and skills. This program is also utilized in some schools to intervene early at Grade 3. The goal of the program is to prepare students to return to the core ELA instruction. Successful implementation depends on well-executed lessons utilizing effective student engagement strategies. It is recommended that a process be undertaken in the fall of 2012 to review the state approved replacement core options for grades 4-6, including Language! and Read 180, to determine the best option once the new language arts adoption is implemented.
4 ROSETTA STONE Rosetta Stone, a supplemental English development, technology-based program, is designed to accelerate the learning of English for second-language learners. The program is targeted for students at CELDT (California English Language Development Test) Levels 1 and 2 It is utilized during Universal Access time during ELA instruction and in the computer lab High student engagement and interest occurs from the first time a student utilizes the program. Early reports indicate positive student progress. Sites are beginning to explore Rosetta Stone as a parent resource.
5 MINIMUM COMPETENCIES The Minimum Competencies document has helped sites to focus on critical skills and concepts. The competencies are utilized in IST (Instructional Team Meetings) to assist parents in understanding student expectations. In addition, sites have formulated interventions to specifically address these competencies (see attached Interventions Chart) Staff is working to streamline the Promotion /Retention Process to eliminate unnecessary paperwork for teachers and include a review of the competencies with parents at conference time.
6 INTERVENTIONS CHART The chart provides a comprehensive overview of the interventions in place at each elementary school. Intervention Presentations: Lois E. Borchardt Elementary School Janis Morehead, Principal Elisa Nabors, Teacher Beckman Elementary School Jon Price, Principal Jaime Kite-Polinsky, InterventionTeacher
7 FUTURE INTERVENTION PLANS A number of schools will be holding intervention sessions during the March and summer breaks. Training is being offered in a new software program, “Timez Attack,” focusing on math facts. A Summer Math Institute is being planned for 6 th graders entering 7 th grade. The implementation of “Treasures,” the newly adopted ELA curriculum, will provide teachers new intervention resources.