Surfside Colony Land Survey Historic Tidal Datum, Boundaries, and Accretion Fred Henstridge, PLS
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 2 Topics To Be Covered Background Background Issues Issues Research Research Solution Solution Results Results
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 3 Background PERR Built in 1903 PERR Built in 1903 Land Sale Boom Along The Coast Land Sale Boom Along The Coast 1929 & 1931 Surveys 1929 & 1931 Surveys Small Lots-Beach Cottages Small Lots-Beach Cottages Evolution of Surfside Colony Evolution of Surfside Colony 1942-Navy Builds Jetty For Seal Beach Weapons Depot 1942-Navy Builds Jetty For Seal Beach Weapons Depot
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 4 Vicinity Map
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 5 Surfside Colony
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 6 Hilliard Record of Survey
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 7 Issues Jetty Influences Ocean Currents Along the Immediate Coast Jetty Influences Ocean Currents Along the Immediate Coast Sand Build Up Creates Artificial Accretions Sand Build Up Creates Artificial Accretions Artificial Accretions Belong To The State of California Artificial Accretions Belong To The State of California Where Is The Mean High Tide Line? Where Is The Mean High Tide Line? Where Is The Boundary For The Upland Owner? Where Is The Boundary For The Upland Owner?
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 8 Issues (Continued) The 60’s Bring Beach Dwellers To The Colony The 60’s Bring Beach Dwellers To The Colony Potential High Value Property Along The Ocean Front Potential High Value Property Along The Ocean Front Development is Stymied by the Inability to Obtain Title Insurance Development is Stymied by the Inability to Obtain Title Insurance What Can Be Done? What Can Be Done?
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 9 Aerial Photo
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 10 Surfside Colony-Topo
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 11 Research Orange County Records Orange County Records Aerial Photography Aerial Photography PERR Valuation Maps PERR Valuation Maps U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Navy U.S. Navy
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 12 Solution-Step 1 Recover The Original Mean High Tide Line Recover The Original Mean High Tide Line USACOE Surveys USACOE Surveys X-Sections From PERR Base Line X-Sections From PERR Base Line Tidal Datum at 4.8 Feet Above MLLW based on Tidal 8. (2.0 Above MSL, 1942) Tidal Datum at 4.8 Feet Above MLLW based on Tidal 8. (2.0 Above MSL, 1942) Set Coordinate Grid Points at Intersection of X-Section and Theoretical MHT Line Set Coordinate Grid Points at Intersection of X-Section and Theoretical MHT Line Connect the Dots Connect the Dots
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No Feet MSL MHTL (1942) UACOE X-Section Artificial Accretions Centerline of PERR Distance Normal to PERR Tidal Datum-1942 (Profile View)
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 14 Centerline PERR Anderson Ave. USACOE X-Section (1000 Ft, Typical) Surfside Ave, Block “A” Lots 25 Ft (Typical) Surfside Colony Association Property Boundary Agreement Line California State Lands Commission USACOE X-Section Property of The State Of California Pacific Ocean
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 15 Orange County Assessors Map
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 16 Orange County Assessors Map
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 17 Solution-Step 2 Conduct Complete Resurvey of the Colony Properties Conduct Complete Resurvey of the Colony Properties Tie The Recovered MHT line to the Survey Tie The Recovered MHT line to the Survey Prepare Land Descriptions Prepare Land Descriptions Negotiate a Boundary Agreement with the State Lands Commission Negotiate a Boundary Agreement with the State Lands Commission Set Permanent Monuments Set Permanent Monuments File a Record of Survey with the Orange County Surveyor File a Record of Survey with the Orange County Surveyor
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 18 RS 86-35, 1967
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 19 DOQ-2004 Surfside Colony Huntington Harbor Seal Beach Weapons Depot
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 20 Approximate Boundary Agreement Line Property of the State of California Surfside Colony Common Area MHT Line 2005
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 21 Photo 1
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 22 Photo 2
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 23 Photo 3 PERR Right-of-Way
October 6, 2005Shoreline & Marine Boundaries WorkshopSlide No. 24 Results The Colony’s Property is Secure The Colony’s Property is Secure Added 5 Acres of Sandy Beach Added 5 Acres of Sandy Beach Title Insurance Can Be Obtained for the “A” Row Title Insurance Can Be Obtained for the “A” Row Million Dollar (Plus) Homes Now Exist Million Dollar (Plus) Homes Now Exist Secure Fee Title for All Homeowners Secure Fee Title for All Homeowners