Muslim Beliefs
Introduction Six Articles of Islamic Faith Belief in the heart Profession by the tongue Performance of the deeds Caution / Similar words: Imam = leader vs. Iman = faith Without the articles of faith, there is no context for the pillars of practice
To Believe in God (Allah) Monotheism (tawhid = “divine unity”) God is absolute, a single inseparable unity One God Same God for Jews, Christians, Muslims Allah: not a proper name, but the Arabic word for “God” “99 Names of God”: found throughout the Qur’an God has “no associate or partner” Muslims reject the Christian concept of “Trinity” God cannot become human; humans cannot be God Consider Jesus a great prophet, but not divine
To Believe in the Unseen Angels God’s messengers; reveal messages to Prophets Ex: Angel Gabriel revealed the Qur’an to Muhammad No free will; sole purpose is serving God Accompany, guide, and protect people at all times Spirits (Jinn) Spiritual beings, with free will Thus can be good or evil Root of English word/concept: “genie”
To Believe in Prophethood Prophets (nabi ) and Messengers (rasul ) Prophets speak God’s words to people orally. Messengers record God’s words in book form. So, not all prophets are messengers, but all messengers are also prophets. Muslims believe in 1000’s of prophets “Chain of Prophets”: Adam was first; Muhammad was last Also incl. Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David, Jesus, etc. All transmit same basic message throughout history Certain prophets were sent to specific groups/nations
To Believe in Revelation Holy Books Revealed scriptures; messages from God Different languages, different cultures, different eras But same basic message, culminating in the Qur’an Progressive Revelation Books of Moses, Psalms of David, Gospels of Jesus Ultimately the Qur’an, revealed thru Muhammad NOTE: Most Muslims do not read the present HB or NT, believing ancient Jews & Christians altered the messages God had revealed through Moses, David, and Jesus
To Believe in the Day of Judgment Resurrection of the Dead At the end of time, all people will be raised Everyone is held accountable for his/her own deeds Judgment / Afterlife Everyone is judged based on one’s life/actions on earth If good deeds outweigh bad deeds: Reward eternal life with God in heaven/paradise/garden If bad deeds outweigh good deeds: Punishment in everlasting fires of hell
To Believe in the Divine Decree Human Nature / Free Will Everyone has knowledge & ability to choose between right & wrong, and so is held responsible Yet God has correct fore-knowledge of everyone’s path Destiny / Fate / Predestination God wrote down our destiny in the “Preserved Tablet” God knows what our nature will cause us to do A person’s actions are not caused by what God has written But God is omniscient God knows in advance
Review Six Articles of Faith (for Sunni Muslims) Allah/God Angels & Spirits Holy Books Prophets Day of Judgment Destiny or Fate