The European Parliament Inter net Rue Wiertz, 60, B-1047, Brussels 1, avenue Robert Schumann, Strasbourg Plateau du Kirchberg, Luxembourg
Its political role Represents the people of member states first elected in 1979 currently has 625 members all 18+ can vote all +18 can stand for election Does not sit in opposing sides as UK sits in political groups e.g European Socialists, Greens committees are the way policy is examined
The role of the parliament MEP’s examine proposals for new EU law MEP’s have final say on EU’s annual budget MEP’s monitor how monies are being spent MEP’s hold other institutions to account can question Commissioners(EC) can question government ministers own meetings held in public
Role - 2 President and Commissioners need EP approval MEP’s can fire all of the Commission Appoint Chairman of ECB MEP’s move between Brussels, Strasbourg and constituencies Politcal groups decide what to oppose or support all MEP’s sit on at least one committee
Committees Foreign Affairs Budgets Citizens Rights and Home Affairs Economic and Monetary Affairs Industry Employment Environment Agriculture Fisheries Regions and Transport Culture, Youth and Education Development Women’s Rights
Policy making Parliament responsible with European Council for new laws and policies twice yearly meetings of European Council resolves differences and gives new initiatives European Commission is the civil service Makes proposals Draws up spending plans 20 Commissioners 2 from UK
Checks and Balances Court of Justice - settles disputes between member States and the Union itself Court of Auditors - checks on all monies spent Council of the Regions members each MEP receives salary as members of their national parliament salary paid by member state
Checks and balances - 2 Allowances to MEP’s can be cut if they do not take part in committees etc 11 official languages committees meet for two weeks each month proposals normally pass through two readings EP has 3 powers: to legislate to pursue supervise executive pursue centres on the Budget
The Budget Since 1970 budget financed from own resources agreed by member states EP consulted on this 1.27% of GNP customs duties levied at external borders Agricultural levies on products imported from outside EU 1% of VAT receipts from member states a fourth resource based on relative prosperity(GNP)
The Budget - 2 Main expenditure goes to: Agriculture 44%, Structural measures 35%, external activities 9%, internal policies 6%, admin 5%, reserves = balance Main income GNP shares 48%, VAT 36%, Agricultural levies 2%, custom duties 12%,miscellaneous 2%
The Budget - 3 Parliament adopts the budget monitors proper use of funds through its Committees Parliament gives an annual assessment of Commission’s use of funds Then grants permission to proceed with next time period
The EP at work Foreign and Defence development of common policies monitoring of policies increased presence in world affairs Justice and Home Affairs asylum immigration drug addiction international fraud international crime
The EP at work - 2 Economic and Monetary Union works with ECB ECB accountable to EP EP appoints senior officials ECB President annual report to EP At least four meetings per year with senior ECB officials
EP and world Developing countries works with 71 countries in ACP group co-operation on trade, poverty, human rights and democratic government Heads of government of non-member States are regularly invited to address EP
How EP works The President, elected by Parliament represents EP on outside bodies Chairs Bureau vice presidents elected for two and half years Conference of Presidents chairs of committees decides agenda for EP decides timetable determines size of committees
EP at work - 2 The Secretariat 3500 permanent staff also political staff and Members’ assistants one third work on translation and language matters Administrative budget = 1% of total funds Appoints Ombudsman to watch over EP behaviour Any EU citizen can petition EP
Making Decisions Plenary Sessions holds one four day session per month in Strasbourg mini-plenaries in Brussels eight political groups elect committee members Committees normally meet in Brussels prepare business for plenary sessions vote on reports drawn up by Rapporteur Resolution follows after scrutiny by political groups
Further information United Kingdom 7 Queen Anne’s Gate, London, SW1H 9AA tel Internet