By Jackie Crozier
Borrelia burgdorferi Carried by blacklegged ticks
Most common places found for Lyme disease: -Virginia to Maine - Wisconsin and Minnesota - northern California
1 st stage- early localized Lyme disease. 2 nd stage- early disseminated Lyme disease. 3 rd stage- late disseminated Lyme disease.
Outside activities Pet carrying it inside Walking in high grasses
hours for disease to spread Many people with this disease never saw the tick Most people who are bitten do not get Lyme disease
Itching Chills Fever Headache Light-headedness Muscle pain Stiff neck Erythema migrans (EM) or “bull’s eye” rash
Additional EM lesions Facial or Bell’s Palsy Severe Headaches Pain and swelling in large joints Shooting pains interfering with sleep Heart palpitations and dizziness Resolve over a period of weeks to months
Approx. 60% begin to show signs of arthritis Up to 5% may develop chronic neurological complaints Approx % have symptoms that last months to years
Blood test Electrocardiogram Echocardiogram for heart Spinal tap MRI of the brain
A 2-4 week course of antibiotics Specific antibiotics depend on the stage of Lyme disease Pain medications, such as ibuprofen, can be prescribed for joint stiffness
Avoid wooded or bushy areas Walk in center of trails Check yourself and pets frequently during and after a long walk Shower soon after coming indoors to wash off any unseen ticks
American Lyme Disease Foundation American Lyme Disease Foundation Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Centers for Disease Control and Prevention PubMed Health PubMed Health