Respect Your Body
Three Areas with these Scriptures Free from the Regulations of the Law 1Cor 6:12,13 Your Body Matters 1Cor 6:14-17 Sexual Abstinence 1Cor 6:18-20
How do we allow ourselves to be controlled by worldly desires?
We should not be controlled by any worldly desire (12)
What good advice for care of the body might grow out of the statements in verses 12-13?
The body is not to be separated from the spirit; it is also for the Lord (13)
How would the belief in the resurrection of the body encourage you to respect your body as it is now?
One day God will raise up our bodies (14)
How does sexual immorality and the scripture “the two shall become one flesh” relate?
Immorality is joining Christ to wickedness (15) Immorality is becoming one with the harlot (16)
What are some ways that you could allow your body to express your Relationship with the Lord—that you are “one with him in spirit”?
But the believer is one with the Lord (17)
Verse 18 says that sexual sins are sins against our own bodies. What harm can come from these sins?
Flee immorality; it is about the most destructive sin (18)
If our bodies are temples of The Holy Spirit, then how can we honor The Lord with our body?
Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and should be used to honor the Lord (19-20)
Signs that you Respect Yourself and Your Body!
Contentment. If you respect yourself, you are content with who you are and the way your body is. Even though you don’t have long lithe legs or beautiful flawless skin, you’re not envious of other people who have these features. You are able to smile and say, “I’m beautiful inside and out no matter what my body looks like.”
Caring for your body. If you respect your body, you are doing everything you can to keep it healthy and physically fit. You attend your doctor’s appointments on time, you take mindful eating seriously, and you’re giving yourself plenty of rest when needed.
Happiness. With self- respect, you sincerely feel happy within yourself. In your heart, you feel lighter, at peace, and utterly happy with life. You’re happy with what you eat, how much you eat, and do not subject yourself to emotional eating and other unhealthy habits. The more you respect yourself, the happier you truly are as a human being.
Self-confidence. Having respect for one’s body leads to ultimate self-confidence in yourself. Your body consciousness isn’t controlling you anymore and your confidence reflects in how you try on different outfits and styles willingly, in the activities that you do, and in how you are able to show people just how gorgeous you are.
Forgiveness. We all have flaws, both physically and emotionally. If you respect your body and yourself, forgive yourself for all the times you felt dislike and discontentment. With self-respect, you can finally forget the mistakes you made in the past and lead a better and healthier life.
Self-respect is embracing your body with happiness and contentment. It shows in the efforts you put into keeping your body healthy and being happy with just the way you are. Take the time to reflect on these five signs and slowly move towards achieving each one by doing achievable but meaningful things.
For instance, start the day right with a smile on your face and a greeting of happiness for yourself. Appreciate every single detail of your body and keep telling yourself that you are unique and special in your own way, no matter what you look like or what you wear.