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If this Counter Display was on your Counter… We think your Customers would take a second look.
INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH MAGNETS An interesting line of high powered, useful magnetic devices. The Counter Display Is one of the “tools” provided to help you introduce these
An interesting line of high powered, useful magnetic devices. These magnets are actually strong enough to lift this 30 pound block of solid steel ! INCREDIBLY POWERFUL INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH MAGNETS
An interesting line of high powered, useful magnetic devices. These magnets are actually strong enough to lift this 30 pound block of solid steel ! There are practical applications for almost any industry ALL of your Customers could be using these handy little organizers INCREDIBLY USEFUL INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH MAGNETS
An interesting line of high powered, useful magnetic devices. VERSITILE The best way to see some examples of what can be done with these magnets, is to take a look at the brochure, and to visit.. Click Above To Look Through The Brochure
We need Distributors We are looking for Distributors to sell our line of Magnets. We believe that your Industry type, with it’s significant walk in traffic, and counter sales, makes you an ideal candidate. If you are interested The Start Up Kit provides you with a selection of our most popular items, as well as brochures, and a Counter Display. You can see all that it includes, on the next page We are offering you an opportunity to do a 60 day, no risk trial. ANY PRODUCT NOT SOLD CAN BE RETURNED FOR FULL CREDIT All you need to get started with your trial, is to purchase the $ Start Up Kit. Start Up Kit
50 Brochures1 Counter Display STARTUP KIT In order to effectively start selling the CHIC Magnet line, you need some product, and some literature to help demonstrate the potential. $ Only
Just Fax us a copy of your purchase order for the Start Up Kit Click Here Click Here to download a printable PDF file with all of the details you will need to prepare a purchase order. It will also provide you with contact information, pricing, terms, Item numbers, details, etc. To get started 60 day, no risk trial. Any product not sold, can be returned for full credit. Any Questions ? If you have any questions or concerns, please Click Here to send us an , or call us at 1 (888) Click Here No Risk New, and unique product, has applications for any type of industry. Unique