Safe Area Blanking Module 1Blanking
Safe Area Blanking2 Sections of the Module Overview of mechanical press Setup/ Line change First piece quality as per standards Dimensional checks and limits Troubleshooting related to defects Autonomous Maintenance
Safe Area Blanking3 Objective At the end of this module, you will be able to: Understand the importance of blanking Demonstrate practical ability in Setup/Line change Dimensional checks and limits Troubleshooting related to defects
Safe Area Overview of Mechanical Press 4Blanking
Safe Area Blanking5 Press Press is a mechanically powered machine that shears, punches, forms or assembles metal or other material by means of cutting, shaping, or with the help of combination dies attached to slides A press consists of a Stationary bed Ram (or slides) having a controlled reciprocating motion toward and away from the bed surface or from TDC to BDC The ram is guided in a definite path by the frame of the press
Safe Area Blanking6 Mechanical Press Single Stroke Mechanical press works on single stroke. Single stroke means one complete stroke of the slide, usually initiated from a full open position or top dead center, followed by closing down movement or moving downwards at bottom dead center, and then a returning to the full open position or top dead center. BDC TDC
Safe Area Blanking7 Mechanical Press Front View Crankshaft Base Bolster Plate Ram Pitman Flywheel Controlling mechanism ( control panel) Gear Clutch Motor Air Counterbalance Slide way
Safe Area Blanking8 Mechanical Press Parts Base : It is main supporting member for work piece holding dies and different controlling mechanisms of press. Size of the table limits the size of work piece that can be processed on a press Frame : Frame constitutes of the main body of the press located at one edge of its base. It houses support for ram, driving mechanism and control mechanisms. Some of the press have column shaped frame
Safe Area Blanking9 Mechanical Press Parts Ram : This is main operating part of the press which works directly during processing of a work piece. Ram reciprocates to and fro within its guide ways with prescribed stroke length and power. The stroke length and power transferred can be adjusted as per the requirements. Ram at its bottom end carries punch to process the work piece Pitman : It is the part which connects the ram and crankshaft
Safe Area Blanking10 Driving Mechanism : Crankshaft and eccentric mechanisms is used in mechanical press. These mechanisms are used to drive ram by transferring power from motor to ram Controlling Mechanisms : Controlling mechanisms are used to operate a press under predetermined controlled conditions. Controlling mechanisms controls Length of stroke of ram Power of the stroke Transfer of power can be disengaged with the help of clutch provided with driving mechanisms as per need Mechanical Press Parts
Safe Area Blanking11 Mechanical Press Parts Flywheel : It is used for storing the energy( reservoir of energy) for maintaining constant speed of ram when punch is pressed against the work piece. Flywheel is placed in the driving mechanism just before the clutch in the sequence of power transmission Bolster Plate : It is a thick plate attached to the bed or base of the press. It is used to clamp the die assembly rigidly to support the work piece. The die used in press working may have more than one part that is why the phrase die assembly is being used at the place of die
Safe Area Blanking12 Die and Die parts Guide posts Ram Punch holder Punch Die Holder Bolster Plate Die Work piece Stripper Ejector Pins
Safe Area Blanking13 Die Parts Punch Holder : Punch holder is clamped to the ram of press. It holds the punch below it Punch : It is the main tool of die assembly which directly comes in contact of work piece during its processing Die Holder : It is also called die shoe. Its work as a support for the die block and it is rigidly fastened to the bolster plate of the press
Safe Area Blanking14 Die Parts Stopper : Stopper are used for maintaining correct spacing of the sheet metal Pilots : Pilot is used for correct location of blank Strippers : Stripper is used to discard the work piece out side the press
Safe Area Blanking15 Die Parts Knockouts : Knockout is also a type of stripper which is used generally in case of inverted dies Pressure Pads : Pressure pads are the plates which grip the work piece very tightly at the ends Guide Posts : Guide posts are used for correct alignment of punch and die shoe
Safe Area Blanking16 Die Parts Punch Plate : Punch plate serves as a guide way to hold the punch in right position and properly aligned Backing Plate : Backing plate is used to distribute pressure uniformly over the whole area (to maintain uniform stress) Die Retainer : Die retainer is fixed to the bed (base) of the press to hold the die block in correct alignment with the movement of punch
Safe Area Blanking17 Blanking Separation of the metal by the movement of one stationary die and one moving punch Die Clearance Work piece Blank Punch Fracture
Safe Area Blanking18 Clearance Proper Clearance Insufficient Clearance Proper clearance – clean fracture surface Insufficient clearance- ragged and damaged fracture surface Punch ClearanceDie Work piece Sheared edge Clearance
Safe Area Blanking19 Clearance Excessive Clearance Excessive clearance- burr and greater distortion on fractured surface Clearance
Safe Area Setup / Line change 20Blanking
Safe Area Blanking21 Objective At the end of this topic, you will be able to: Understand the importance of setup/ line change Demonstrate practical ability in setup/ line change
Safe Area Blanking22 Setup/Line change Setup/ line change is the procedure of changing dies of the machine for different product as per their specification
Safe Area Blanking23 Tools for Setup/Line change T bolt ( 1” X 150 ) & Nut 1“ Pipe and L spanner No. 38
Safe Area Blanking24 Equipment for Moving dies for Setup/ Line change Die Cart Overhead Crane
Safe Area Blanking25 Die Storage Area E N W S
Safe Area Blanking26 Initial Setup/ Line change Remove the roller conveyor Remove the exit chute
Safe Area Blanking27 Initial Setup/ Line change Remove scrap executing chute
Safe Area Blanking28 Step by Step Procedure -Setup/ Line change 1. Stopper is used between the blanking dies to stop the withering of the cutting edges of the dies 2. Place the stopper at the pillar and set the height between lower and upper die
Safe Area Blanking29 Step by Step Procedure -Setup/ Line change 3.Stop the press at bottom dead center 4.Loosen the bolts and remove all the bolts before moving the ram
Safe Area Blanking30 Step by Step Procedure -Setup/ Line change ( Contd.) 5.Move the ram upwards 6.Wrap the crane chain on the second die hooks properly and move it with the help of overhead crane
Safe Area Blanking31 Step by Step Procedure -Setup/ Line change ( Contd.) 7. Place the Second die that is going to be fitted in the press on the die cart and bring the die cart in front of the press 8.Attach die arm
Safe Area Blanking32 Step by Step Procedure -Setup/ Line change ( Contd.) 9.Place die cart in front of the press 10.Unload the first die on the die cart
Safe Area Blanking33 Step by Step Procedure -Setup/ Line change ( Contd.) 11. Detach the die arm and start shut height adjustment
Safe Area Blanking34 Shut Height Shut Height Setting 12.Shut Height : Total opening between the ram and base when ram is at its bottom dead center(BDC). Base Ram at BDC
Safe Area Blanking35 i)Switch on the shut height adjustment switch ii)Shut height downward adjustment switch iii)Shut height upward adjustment switch Control Panel Shut Height Setting ( Contd.)
Safe Area Blanking37 Step by Step Procedure -Setup/ Line change ( Contd.) iv) Check the shut height with scale as per the requirement v) Always set the shut height with an additional 10mm as specified in the table
Safe Area Blanking Unload the second die from the die cart and place it on the bed 14. Detach the die arm from the die cart Step by Step Procedure -Setup/ Line change ( Contd.)
Safe Area Blanking Move the die cart backwards to its appropriate position 16.Do die centering from front to back or slot to slot Step by Step Procedure -Setup/ Line change ( Contd.)
Safe Area Blanking Fit all the bolts in the dies 18. Tighten the upper bolts and keep the lower bolts loose Step by Step Procedure -Setup/ Line change ( Contd.)
Safe Area Blanking Do the centering of the pillar by taking 2 to 3 idle stroke 20. Tighten the lower bolts after centering Step by Step Procedure -Setup/ Line change ( Contd.)
Safe Area Blanking Apply grease on pillars 22. Place the roller conveyor for keeping stacked sheet Step by Step Procedure -Setup/ Line change ( Contd.)
Safe Area Blanking Place the exit chute 24. Place the scrap executing chute Step by Step Procedure -Setup/ Line change ( Contd.)
Safe Area First Piece Quality as Per Standards 44Blanking
Safe Area Blanking45 Startup Checks Image Check Observation Air pressure 3 to 5 Kg/cm 2 Clutch pressure 6 Kg/cm 2 Balancing pressure 6 Kg/cm 2
Safe Area Blanking46 Control Panel 1.Release emergency 2.Power ON 3.Main control ON
Safe Area Blanking47 Control Panel 4.Main Motor ON 5.Hydraulic pump ON 6.Lubrication pump ON
Safe Area Blanking48 Control Panel 7.Select foot or hand switch mode for operation
Safe Area Blanking49 Step by Step Procedure- Operation 1.Take a sheet from stack and check for incoming defects 2. Check that die rollers are not loose and sheet is butted properly with the stopper
Safe Area Blanking50 Step by Step Procedure- Operation 3. Press the foot switch 4.For cutting second and third piece continue the process
Safe Area Blanking51 Step by Step Procedure- Operation 5. Place the last scrap in the scrap bin
Safe Area Dimensional Checks and Limits 52Blanking
Safe Area Blanking53 Dimensional Check Tools Vernier Caliper is a precision measuring instrument It is used to measure the inside and outside diameter, width and thickness of parts with an accuracy of 0.02mm Vernier Caliper
Safe Area Blanking54 Vernier Caliper Outside Jaw Inside Jaw Depth Probe Main scale(mm) Vernier scale Retainer
Blanking55 Safe Area Sl. NoDescriptionApplication 1Outside jaw To measure external diameter Width of an object 2Inside jaws To measure internal diameter 3Depth probe To measure depth of an object or a hole 4Main scaleScale marked in mm 5Vernier scaleInterpolated measurements in mm 6Retainer Used to block movable parts Vernier Caliper Parts
Safe Area Blanking56 Least Count of a Vernier Caliper The Least Count of a Vernier Caliper can be calculated using the formula Vernier Scale has 49 main scale divisions divided into 50 vernier scale divisons i.e., 49 divided into 50 parts 1 VSD = 49/50 mm =0.098 mm 1 MSD = 1mm L.C = 1mm mm = 0.02 mm 1 main scale division Least count 1 vernier scale division
Safe Area Blanking57 How to find the Total Reading (TR) T.R = Total reading MSR = Main scale reading CV = Coinciding vernier scale reading L.C = Least count T.R MSR CV L.C
Safe Area Blanking58 Dimensional Checking of a Blank Spoke taper and blank size Check visually for burr at spoke and arch of the blank
Safe Area Blanking59 Dimensions of two Running Products Model K Model A Blank diameter- 420 mm Blank diameter- 370 mm
Safe Area Troubleshooting Related to Defects 60Blanking
Safe Area Blanking61 Outgoing Defects Short piece Edge burr
Safe Area Blanking62 Troubleshooting Related to Defects Image Defect Cause Remedy Short Piece 1.Improper butting 1. Do proper butting of sheet 2. Sheet length short 2.Inform your supervisor for short sheet length
Safe Area Blanking63 Troubleshooting Related to Defects Image Defect Cause Remedy Edge burr 1.Improper clearance of dies 1.Set up the standard clearance of dies 1.Set up the standard clearance of dies 2.Burr in the incoming product 2. Inform your supervisor for burr in sheet
Safe Area Blanking64 Clearance Proper Clearance Insufficient Clearance Proper clearance – clean fracture surface Insufficient clearance- ragged and damaged fracture surface Punch ClearanceDie Work piece Sheared edge Clearance
Safe Area Blanking65 Clearance Excessive Clearance Excessive clearance- burr and greater distortion on fractured surface Clearance
Safe Area Autonomous Maintenance 66Blanking
67 Safe Area BreakdownWhy ?Action Autonomous Maintenance