Karman Badesha, Preet Somal, Jaskeerat Dhaliwal Deepkaran Mann GONORRHEA
What is Gonnerhea Gonnerhea is a type of STD. It is caused by a bacterium It can grow in the mouth, eyes, throat, and anus. Both women and men can get it Gonorrhea can grow easily in the warm, moist areas of the reproductive tract, including the cervix (opening to the womb), uterus (womb), and fallopian tubes (egg canals) in women, and in the urethra (urine canal) in women and men.
How common is it? It is really common CDC estimated that annually people in North America get new gonorrhea infections of these people are years old in age Most of the people who get it are sexually active teenagers, young adults, and African Americans.
How do people get Gonnerhea People get gonorrhea by having sex with someone who has that disease It can also be spread to a new born baby from the mother if she has gonorrhea It can also spread via fluids A person who have gonnerhea and have been treated can get it again if they make sexual contact with another person who has the disease.
How is it diagnosed? Most of the time, a urine test can be used to test. However, if a person has had sex of any kind, swabs can be used to collect samples from the throat or other infected area.
Symptoms of Gonnerhea Men feel a burning sensation while they are peeing. They can also have a white, yellow, or green discharge from the penis that usually occurs 1 to 14 days after they had sex. Women have vaginal bleeding between periods. They can also have a burning sensation. The symptoms for women are usually really mild. Both men and women feel itching, soreness, bleeding, and painful bowel movements. This condition can sometimes be life threatning
How is it treated? Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics. If you want to prevent gonnerhea, the only way to do that is to abstain from all types of sexual intercourse.