The European Calling Card Reseller Market “Cards that have remained within the market and have built strong brand associations hold the most potential in breaking into new market areas.” Nathan Budd Research Analyst Frost & Sullivan ICT Group
Key features of the Report Analysis of three core market sectors –Prepaid Disposable Calling Cards –Prepaid Remote Memory Calling Cards –Postpaid Calling Cards Market Forecast of these sectors –Revenues and unit shipments Analysis of the core challenges facing the three sectors
Key content: Postpaid Market Forecasts Decline - stability - decline
Key content: Prepaid Disposable Market Challenges To Manage market decline –“The core challenge for operators is not resurrect this failing market but manage its decline.” Provide a smooth transition to new services – “..operators must adapt though product and service diversification.” Adopt a “lean and mean” future strategy –“..minimising overheads to gain the most from this declining market.”
Who would benefit from this report? Market leaders –Understand strengths and market forecasts Niche market players –Benchmark leaders/sustain core strengths Prospective market entrants –Establish size, challenges and end user groups Related manufacturers –Anticipate demand
Featured Companies Abridged Deutsche Telecom BT Kertel France Telecom IDT Europe Telecom Italia Alpha Telecom Belgacom Telefonica Sonera Telenor Telia Interoute Unitel KPN P&T Luxembourg WorldCom Infostrada
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