Exit Reform Review Transmission Workstream 07 January 2010
2 Agenda Overview of 2009 processes Review of 2009 applications Potential impacts of 2009 applications Other issues / potential areas for review Discussion 2010
Overview of 2009 processes
4 High level overview of the 2009 processes AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober Contact Details Appointment of Booking Agent NTS to DN Pressure Applications DN deadline for accepting Pressure Applications Initialisation of Capacity & MSPOR Values July Application Window Invitation Letter Enduring Annual Flat Capacity Applications for Y+4, Y+5, Y+6 DNO Applications for Flex and Pressures Enduring Annual Flat Capacity Reduction Window NTS provides Flex and Pressure indications toDNOs Potential DNO adjustment of Applications Application Window & Reduction Window allocations Ad hoc Applications andARCAs Flex information publication begins
process overview NTS – DN pressure applications 2 reductions requested by NTS, requested by NTS, 1 accepted Initialisation Complex calculation process 8 queries received from users but no changes required Ongoing process for ARCAs signed during transitional period MSPOR All users notified of relevant MSPOR values Specific point made where MSPOR would potentially limit firm release Continuing process for revisions being made at sites and sites modified or added to license via a section 23 process
process overview (2) Application window Section 23 process run in advance Most requests received in the last 2 days of the window Why was this, is the window appropriate? Learning points for next years communications / training Who to, when, documentation, within window support OCS process for DNs Compressed timescales Allocation process No issues resulting
process overview (3) Flex publication Began on time Some amendment to definition may be sensible Ad-hoc process 1 application received so far, but subsequently withdrawn
process review – key learning points Communications need to be focussed on the people who will be carrying out the processes / using the systems Users need easy access to the supporting info that they want in a single place – views ? Strong links required between new connections processes for new sites and the capacity application process to ensure issues are managed in tandem
9 Review of July 2009 applications NTS Direct Connect / Interconnector / Storage /CSEP Offtakes: 35 Requests received from 23 Shippers 23 Increase Applications & 12 Reduction requests Aggregate Increase of 833.9GWh/d 231.8GWh/d within Baselines 602.1GWh/d Incremental to baselines Aggregate Reduction of 6.3GWh/d 1 Reduction Application Rejected (Due to a reduction of less than 100,000kWh/day)
10 NTS (DC) Offtake Capacity Position
11 What happened in the July application window - summary NTS/LDZ Offtakes: 51 Applications received 40 Increase Applications & 11 Reduction Applications Aggregate Increase of 640.1GWh/d 417.7GWh/d within Baseline (411.GWh/day due to baseline re-jig) 222.4GWh/d Incremental to baseline Aggregate Reduction of 139.2GWh/d Please Note: All data shown in this presentation is for Y+4 only. Only 3 very slight increases were received for Y+5 & Y+6 (totaling ~1-2GWh/d) that had a minimal impact on the overall position and therefore, these years were excluded in order to provide more clarity in the graphs
12 DN Offtake Capacity Position
Impact of 2009 requests on NTS obligations
14 Current 2012/13 Peak Demand Forecast 2009 National Grid forecast 1:20 Peak Day Demand for Gas Year 2012/13
15 Current Capacity Holdings Current 2009/10 Exit Capacity Entitlements. Includes OCS Allocations and Firm Capacity Holdings
16 Initialised Enduring Exit (Flat) Capacity Initialised Enduring (Flat) Exit Capacity (Based on 2007/08 Firm & Interruptible Capacity)
17 Existing Enduring Exit Capacity Obligations Enduring (Flat) Exit Capacity Baselines. Initial Enduring period Exit Capacity Obligations
18 Enduring Aggregate Capacity Post Application Total Enduring (Flat) Exit Capacity Enduring (Flat) Exit Capacity Allocation: Total Sold capacity following 2009 Enduring Application Window
19 New Enduring Obligation Enduring (Flat) Exit Capacity Baselines + New Incremental allocated in 2009 Application Window
20 Increase in Existing Enduring Obligation Increased capacity obligation following the 2009 application process +857 GWh/day
21 National Grid’s thoughts An increase NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity above the enduring baseline level represents a change in the risk profile – funding for which was not provided in the last PCR. Baselines have moved further away from the physical reality of the system and demand Is this an issue for the industry? Where NTS has identified a specific issue NTS have requested and will continue to request revenue drivers for sites However revenue drivers only mitigate the risk associated to specific sites. Should other potential projects come forward then NTS may request additional revenue drivers
Potential areas for review
23 Areas for additional consideration (1) Ability for Users to make reductions where they hold less than 100,000kWh (may be for initialised only) Interaction between Ad-Hoc and Annual processes - variable unsold amounts within year, release the lowest value for Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity (Y+1 to Y+3). Release of Non Obligated Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity (Y+1 to Y+3). Move the latest Transfer time from D to D Clarify B5.2.5 – Users unable to withdraw a trade if placed for a single day and notified to National Grid NTS. Should be all trades once notified to National Grid NTS (once Transferee and Transferor have both submitted)
24 Areas for additional consideration (2) DN flow swapping Flow swapping process in place, commercial impacts need to be considered Removal of Flexibility Tolerance for the calculation of Flexibility utilisation, could be specifically for the publication of data. Clarity on Registered User for the Overrun User process. Review of DN adjustment window Start DN adjustment process earlier? Accept ad-hoc requests for later than Y+4, where earlier tranche(s) are earlier than Y+4?
25 Areas for additional consideration (3) Review Overrun Deeming process, for example…. Should the User be deemed earlier than Y+4 if there is unsold obligated ? What if the User Overruns in consecutive years?
26 How should these be taken forward? Next steps…. Views / thoughts?
Deliver Phase 1 systems First Annual Release (Y+3) All the processes from 2009 are repeated Exit substitution / baseline revision discussions begin (first workshop 27 th Jan 2010) Continue to work towards Phase 2 systems delivery Continue User communications / training Linepack Information Provision (1/10/10)
28 Discussion Concerns/issues/questions? Any other areas wish to discuss?