AnalyseDesignDevelopImplementEvaluate ADDIE - Model
Overview: The ADDIE Model is a tool used by instructional designers or trainers to help develop a structured approach to training design. “ADDIE” stands for Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. However, the process is not necessarily supposed to be followed in a strict, linear way and each step is a clear instruction in itself. This means you can apply the model where a process or project has already begun just by focusing on the relevant area for the stage you are at. Each stage is described in more detail on the following slides…
Analyse: At this stage the objectives, aims and requirements of the learning intervention are identified. You should identify what behaviours will change as a result of the intervention and what constraints there are based on the learners, their existing knowledge and skills or the environment. Questions you might ask are: Who is the audience and what characteristics do they have? What do you want them to do differently? How should the learning intervention be delivered? What targets or achievements do they need to make? What is stopping them performing currently?
Design: The design stage focuses on the methodology of delivery and learning objectives; what exercises, assessments, delivery approach, content, subject matter and lesson planning should be included? Each is pursued under a logical and orderly method of identifying, developing and evaluating plans for meeting instructional goals. Questions you might ask are: What things does the learner need to know to meet the objectives? What format should the intervention take i.e. e-learning, classroom etc. How much information should be included? How do we ensure the important information is delivered and understood? What is the look, feel and style of the intervention approach? What are the timeframes for the activities/exercises/tasks? How will we evaluate the learning?
Develop: At this stage the actual content is pulled together based on the information and approach created at the design stage. This may be in the format of storyboards, training notes, workbooks and handouts or integration of technology, materials and procedures.
Implementation: This phase of the process describes the first use of the instruction or materials with learners. Ideally those involved with the design and development of the instruction and materials will be able to continue to follow the project once it is implemented with actual learners. Learner problems or unforeseen instructional challenges may arise with the first implementation of the new instructional design and materials, so it is important to remember that this stage is part of a process and not simply the end of the design and development project.
Evaluation: During this phase evaluative feedback on the effectiveness of the instructional design of the lesson, course, curriculum or materials in meeting the original instructional goals and learning objectives will be gathered. If the feedback meets the expectations and goals for the design, then it can be considered summative or final. However, based on this feedback, revisions in the design may be necessary.