INSTRUCTIONALDESIGN Andy Alvarez for the corporate trainer
? What is the ADDIE MODEL “ADDIE” stands for: Analyze Design Develop Implement Evaluate The ADDIE Model is a foundational instructional design Process that enables standardized development of learning solutions as the educator and ID (instructional Designer) moves through the five phases of development listed above. (Instructional Design Methods Integrating Instructional Technology, Jones, P.)
TimeLine Overview Concepts traced back to early 1950s. Designed & developed for the U.S. Army by The Center for Educational Tech. at Florida State University. and later implemented across all U.S. Armed forces. (Forest, Ed) 1975 TODAY “The influence of the ADDIE method can be seen on most Instructional Design models.” (Forest, Ed)
The foundation for all other phases of Instructional Design. Problems must be defined by determining the source and determining possible solutions. This phase may include specific research techniques which include: needs, job and task analysis. (McGriff, 2000)
Involves using things taken from the Analysis phase for strategic development. Outline of how to reach predetermined goals from Analysis phase. May include “writing a target population description, conducting learning analysis, writing objectives/test items, selecting a delivery system, and sequencing the instruction.” (McGriff, 2000)
This phase extends from the first two phases and generates lessons. Instruction is developed by gathering materials such as any “media or supporting documents” (McGriff, 2000)
This phase regards the method as to which the instruction is delivered or taught. Classroom, lab or computer-based are all methods of implementation. “This phase must promote the students’ understanding of material, support the students’ mastery of objectives, and ensure the students’ transfer of knowledge from the instructional setting to the job.” (McGriff, 2000)
This is the phase at which the “effectiveness and efficiency” are measured. This should be happening during the whole ADDIE Process-”within phases, between phases, and after implementation.” “Evaluation may be Formative or Summative. (McGriff, 2000)
CONCLUSION Planning of instruction is crucial to being effective Technology is/can be on of the most significant tools in the classroom and in any training. The utilization of these tools can greatly benefit learning as well as implementation of curriculum. Educators must design instruction using technology in a carefully strategic way. The ADDIE Model provides the basis for that instruction to be carried out successfully and effectively.
Forest, E. (2004, January 29). Educational Technology. Retrieved June 12, 2015, from Jones, P., & Davis, R. (2008). Instructional Design Methods Integrating Instructional Technology. In T. Kidd, & H. Song (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Instructional Systems and Technology (pp ). McGriff, S. (2000). Instructional System Design (ISD): Using the ADDIE Model Retrieved June 6, 2015, from