Ham Radio Submitted by: Blake Collins Submitted to: Ms. Steadd
History The amateur radio better known as the “Ham Radio” was invented in 1888 by Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. This was used a hobby, to past time or even to make money for some.
Communication Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) is a popular hobby and service in which licensed Amateur Radio operators, operate communications equipment. This can be used by teens and adults. “Amateur Radio operators are most likely to be active after disasters that damage regular lines of communications due to power outages and destruction of telephone, cellular and other infrastructure-dependent systems.” They use this type of radio to and tell news to viewers.
Changes Through Time The ham radio has always been the same type of radio. But the changes that were made were the technology as it gets newer and newer. adio+technology&source=lnms&tbm=is ch&sa=X&ei=CMD8Uu76CorO0wH3ho DYAw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAg&biw=1440 &bih=806#facrc=_&imgdii=bUJY06VO MnKjrM%3A%3B_0hBBO45p_T2gM%3 BbUJY06VOMnKjrM%3A&imgrc=bUJY 06VOMnKjrM%253A%3BnVAIja6j9eHP nM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.a rrl.org%252Fimages%252Fview%252F W1AW_W1AW_Pics%252FMain_broad cast_equipment.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%25 2F%252Fwww.arrl.org%252Fham- radio-history%3B1024%3B683
Facts ham radio operators, or hams, do not use ham radio to broadcast in the way radio stations broadcast to large audiences at once. Ham transmission is usually two-way or with groups of people using a transceiver, meaning that two or more hams talk to each other instead of everyone listening to a single. Some believe it originated with the pronunciation of "amateur", which sounded like "hamature" then was shortened to just "ham". s/ /what-does- ham-radio-stand-for