John F. Kennedy School Apache Language & Culture Learn Today for Tomorrow Dijii igonlaa iskaa ba K-8 (11/14 certified Apache Teachers) 215 students – 1 Apache/Language Teacher
Goals & Objectives Goal is to complete and achieve my 3 objectives I selected. Objectives 1.The school includes Tribal elders, speakers, and leaders in planning and providing school evens that feature Native American culture, customs, and values. 2.All students receive instruction in the basics of the prevailing Tribal language and an opportunity to use language. 3.The promotion of Native American history, culture, customs, and values is done in a way that engenders respect for the history, culture,, customs, and values of other groups.
Community Guest Speakers Guest speakers in Apache Language classes. Elders speaking on education, history, family, discipline, leadership, Tribal Government, etc. Students interaction/participation - writing, questions, - art, drama, arts & crafts, (summer school)
Apache Language/Culture Curriculum Revised Apache Language curriculum Committee of 4 January, Feb. & Mar.
Implementations Reciting Pledge of Allegiance Learning National Anthem - Star Spangled Banner Learning to read & write Apache – simple sentences, vowels, alphabet Speaking the Apache language
Apache Cultural Events at School Classroom Instruction – Apache Apache Cultural Day – Performances & Pageant for students Tribal Fair – Parade & Performances Crown Dancer group performance (students) Cultural presentations by students & staff Traditional Sunrise Ceremonies (students) Arts & Crafts – Beadwork, Moccasins,