NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC Solar Advisor Model General Introduction
Contents Background and users Development team Downloading SAM and getting help Block diagram 2 This presentation is intended as an introductory presentation and can be viewed before viewing either the photovoltaic or concentrating solar power presentations. Note that each of the following slides is annotated with presenter notes.. This presentation is intended as an introductory presentation and can be viewed before viewing either the photovoltaic or concentrating solar power presentations. Note that each of the following slides is annotated with presenter notes.. National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future
Background Developed by the Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories Vision –Combine PV, CSP, thermal solar technologies into a single model –Make high-quality performance models developed by NREL, Sandia, and other partners available to a wider audience –Facilitate comparison by handling performance, costs and financing consistently across technologies –Facilitate calculating the impact of R&D on LCOE, NPV, etc. in various markets. –Sensitivity analysis and graphing capabilities 3 National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future
Version History Pre-release Solar America Initiative (SAI) Version –Used by DOE, labs, and SAI Technology Pathway Partnership applicants Version 1.1, August 2007 –First release, models PV, CSP and CSP parabolic trough systems Version , October 2007 –Read EPW weather files, October 2007 Version , June 2008 –New empirical inverter model from Sandia –New PV model from California Energy Commission –Add “generic” fossil-fuel system Version , December 2008 –Add CSP dish-Stirling –Time-of-use utility rates for residential and commercial projects –Online help system –Automated optimization of utility financing parameters Future versions Each version also includes feature improvements and bug fixes based on user feedback. 4 –Solar water heating –CSP central receiver –PV loads and storage –PVWatts model integration –Interface to Navigant Consulting cost model National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future
Users Over 3,000 copies downloaded by –Manufacturers –Engineering Consulting and R&D firms –Utilities –Developers –Venture Capital Firms Examples of applications –In New Jersey, promoted as standard analytical tool for the state’s clean energy program –Federal Energy Management Program: Feasibility studies –PowerLight: Compare with internal financial models –Arizona Public Service: Verify energy production estimates –University graduate research projects 5 National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future
Current Development Team Management –Nate Blair, NREL Programming –Aron Dobos, NREL –Steven Janzou, NREL* PV Model Validation –Chris Cameron, Sandia Photovoltaics –Bolko von Roedern, NREL Concentrating Solar Power –Mark Mehos, NREL –Craig Turchi, NREL Water Heating –Jay Burch, NREL –Craig Christensen, NREL Documentation and User Support –Paul Gilman, NREL* Contact: * Contractors 6 National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future
Other Contributors Photovoltaics –Sandia Laboratories Development of Sandia PV Array Performance Model and Performance Model for Grid-Connected PV Inverters (David King et. al.) Parameter data for Sandia PV and inverter models –University of Wisconsin Development of CEC Performance Model (Five-parameter module model) –California Energy Commission (CEC) Parameter data for CEC Performance Model Concentrating Solar Power –NREL Parabolic trough model (Hank Price et. al.) –University of Wisconsin Dish-Stirling model, developed with funding from NREL Financial modeling –Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory: Validation –Navigant Consulting: PV cost model (planned) 7 National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future
Downloading SAM 1) Sign in 2) Complete registration form 3) Download 8 National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future
Getting Help Online Help and User Guide –Help menu and buttons SAM Website – Google Groups – User Support 9 National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future
Results Inputs SAM Component Parameters Financial Assumptions Financial Metrics: LCOE, IRR, NPV, Payback, etc. Weather Data Costs Block Diagram Incentives Utility Rate Structure Hourly Simulation Financial Model Sensitivity Analysis Detail: Hourly Energy Flows, Cash Flow Performance Metrics: Capacity Factor, Annual Output 10 National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future
Inputs Component Parameters Financial Assumptions Weather Data Costs Input Data Sources Built-in data sets for: –Weather data –Utility rate structure –Component parameters Sample default values for: –System parameters –Financial assumptions –Incentives –Costs Additional data on the Web for: –Weather data (TMY2, EPW format) Incentives Utility Rate Structure Input variables can be linked to Excel spreadsheets 11 National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future
SAM Processes input data to calculate hourly output and cash flow TRNSYS simulation engine –Uses component models developed by the SAM team Sensitivity analysis: Multiple simulations SAM Hourly Simulation Financial Model Sensitivity Analysis 12 TRNSYS is developed and maintained by the Solar Energy Laboratory of the University of Wisconsin at Madison. TRNSYS is developed and maintained by the Solar Energy Laboratory of the University of Wisconsin at Madison. National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future
Results Summary table Graphs –“Standard” graphs are built in –“Custom” graphs can be created Sliders Graphical data viewer Spreadsheet –Cash flow detail –Hourly data –Inputs Table and graph data can be exported to Excel 13 Results Financial Metrics: LCOE, IRR, NPV, Payback, etc. Detail: Hourly Energy Flows, Cash Flow Performance Metrics: Capacity Factor, Annual Output National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future
Thank you! 14 National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future