Create New Account
Use of the Winland EnviroAlert EA800-ip requires an account for remote access to: –View real-time sensor data –Modify setting configurations remotely –Download data logs No additional software is required.
Create New Account Go to Click on “Create an Account” –Each account can host up to 50,000 consoles.
Create New Account You will leave the Winland web site and be transferred to the BAYweb host site.
Create an Account Read the Terms of Service. Scroll to the bottom to accept the Terms.
Create an Account Check the box “I accept…” Click “Next” to continue. Click “Cancel” to return to the Winland web site.
Create an Account Be prepared to create a User ID (typically your address). Password must be at least 5 and up to 20 characters. The address entered here is for Account Contact purposes. Alarm notification is entered at a different point.
Create an Account User ID does not accept spaces. Security Question requires at least 8 characters. Response must be at least 3 characters. Check or uncheck the box to receive news and promotional information. If you click to visit the Privacy Policy page you will need to re-enter your information to create your account. Click “Finish” to save settings.
Create an Account Your account must now be validated. You will receive an at the “Account Contact” address. Modify your to accept mail from and check your Junk Mail.
Create an Account The Account Validation will come from The subject will be BAYweb Account Validation. Click on the link in the and enter your User ID and Validation Code to complete the set up process.
Create an Account Account creation is now complete. Click on “Home Page” to register new equipment (common starting place). You can also use the links in the menu bar on the upper right side of the screen.
Your account is now created. Here are some common next steps: –Register New EquipmentRegister New Equipment –Connect Wired Sensors and configure locally –Connect Wired Sensors and configure remotely