What are Skilled Trades? Trades jobs trades offer a mental and physical challenge, allowing you to problem-solve and think creatively while also using hands-on skills. In B.C., about 140 occupations are recognized as skilled trades. Examples include carpenter, electrician, plumber and machinist.
It’s a Great Time to Train Many skilled trades offer ongoing employment. Salaries are good compared with other career streams. Job satisfaction and respect from the community are high. Financial support is available through the orientation period, and apprentice trainees are paid to learn.
How Do I Enter the Skilled Trades? The first step is to qualify as an apprentice. ITA Women in Trades Training moves women towards apprenticeship. Apprentice programs, usually lasting for three or four years, combine hands-on training (85%) with classroom training (15%). At the successfull completion of training, the apprentice receives a certificate as a skilled tradesperson.
Who Is the Industry Training Authority? Industry Training Authority manages the apprenticeship system for the B.C. Government: –Funds post-secondary and high school apprenticeship training. –Registers apprentices and their sponsors and tracks training progress. –Awards trades certificates to people who have met all requirements. –Works with industry to develop new training programs as needed.
Why is ITA Reaching Out to Women? Canada’s future depends on having a strong workforce in the skilled trades. Many older workers are retiring. There is room for women to enter the field and there is a big need. ITA programs can help you to choose the career that fits, and gain the basic skills needed to enter the skilled trades.
ITA Women in Trades Training: How it Works Focused on career planning and basic skills training. Provides financial and other supports to help women train. ITA works with organizations that provide training. Participants apply directly to programs run by training providers. These organizations offer counselling, financial supports, training and job placement as needed.
Who is Eligible for ITA Support? Women who have jobs but are looking for a new career. Women who are unemployed, but not on EI. Applicants with skills experience may be fast-tracked into certification and/or apprenticeship. Women who are aboriginal or youth may also be eligible for other ITA initiatives.
Financial Supports Available Supports vary by service provider and candidate, but may include payment for: –Aptitude testing, career counselling, life-skills counselling. –Introductory skills training and/or job skills coaching. –English, math or other instruction. –Tools, textbooks, safety gear. –Transportation. –Child care.
Training Providers (Fall 2009/Winter 2010) Training is provided by the following organizations: BC Construction Association: assessment, work placement or skills training. Okanagan College: assessment, academic training, practical skills training. Piping Industry Apprenticeship Board: Assessment and piping industry foundation program. Tradeworks: basic carpentry skills training and personal action plan. United Food and Commercial Workers: literacy and related skills upgrades, counselling, on-the-job training.
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Keenan Please Note: You must be connected to the internet to view this video
Keri Please Note: You must be connected to the internet to view this video
More Information For information on the ITA Women in Trades Training, including eligibility and available supports, contact ITA: (Lower Mainland) (Toll Free in B.C.)