Action Plan Template Educator Academy May 2012 (TURKEY)
Intel ISEF 2012 – Educator Academy 2 Intel Confidential 22 Action Plan Intel ISEF Educator Academy May 2012 TURKEY
Intel ISEF 2012 – Educator Academy 3 High Level Goals What do you want to accomplish for your school, region or country? Look at long-term (3-5 years) and short-term goals (1-2 years) Long term goals –Include a science inquiry course in middle school curriculum –Train mentor teachers to enable students as researchers –Establish school based local science fairs Short term goals –Train Principals for implementing school based local science fairs –Establish an online community for STEM students/judges/teachers –Implement educator workshops together with stakeholders –Adaptation of available online resources such as Science Buddies, PHET
Intel ISEF 2012 – Educator Academy 4 Objectives How will you know you succeeded? Please list the results you want to see Include a science inquiry course in middle school curriculum in school year Train 5K mentor teachers to enable students as researchers by eoy 2013 Establish school based local science fairs curriculum in school year Train 1K Principals for implementing school based local science fairs in 2012 Establish an online community for STEM students/judges/teachers in 2013 Implement educator workshops together with stakeholders in May 2013 Start adaptation of available online resources-guides such as Science Buddies, PHET in 2012
Intel ISEF 2012 – Educator Academy 5 Action Plan – Steps to Meet Your Goals and Objectives ActionMeasure success?Who’s Responsible?Deadline? Include a science inquiry course in middle school curriculum in school year Introduction of inquiry courseMoNE School Year Train 5K mentor teachers to enable students as researchers by eoy K teachers trainedMoNE, TUBITAK, IntelEnd of 2013 Establish school based local science fairs in school year Launc school based fairsMoNE, TUBITAK School Year Train 1K Principals for implementing school based local science fairs in K principals trainedMoNEEnd of 2012 Establish an online community for STEM students/judges/teachers in 2013 Online Community liveIntelEnd of 2013 Implement educator workshops together with stakeholders in May 2013 Educator workshop in May 2013TUBITAK, MoNE, IntelMay 2013 Start adaptation of available online resources-guides such as Science Buddies, PHET in 2012 Adaptation of science fair guidesTUBITAK, IntelEnd of year 2012
Intel ISEF 2012 – Educator Academy 6 Intel ISEF Educator Academy Reflection - To be done… As a result of your participation in the 2012 Educator Academy, reflect on your experience –Highlight what your team felt was the key learning from the Educator Academy Fundamentals of Fundraising for non-profits –Which Shop Talks were the most beneficial for your team? Fundamentals of Fundraising for non-profits Success with Science Science Buddies –What types of Shop Talks were missing?