Houston Community College
Over 70, 000 students 31% Hispanic; 29% African-American; 18% White; 10% Asian; and 13% international 6 Colleges, 22 campuses Two-thirds of HCCS students are economically and/or academically disadvantaged Number one in Texas and third in the nation for associate degree awards 13 th Associate degree producer in all disciplines combined for Hispanic-Americans
Awarded grant (MDC & Bank of America) Met with MDC, BOA, & grant recipients Reviewed & developed financial literacy & capabilities curriculum -Money Matters BOA -Money Smart FDIC -Practical Money Skills for Life Began planning for fall 2012
Created curriculum, guides, & resources Held EDUC 1300 professional development Conducted financial literacy training Planned financial literacy & capabilities fairs
Cost of Living Factors Financial Aid & Paying for College Credit & Predatory Lending Budgeting & Saving (Liabilities & Assets) Texas Reality Check Playspent
Financial literacy & capabilities curriculum implemented system-wide (5,274 students) Financial literacy & capabilities fairs held at Northwest & Central Colleges (1,159) Attended Center for Working Families Convening Planned for the spring fairs MDC site visit
4 Days Central College & NW College at Spring Branch Over 1,100 students attended 31 sessions held Raffles for Barnes & Nobles Gift Cards Piggy Banks distributed
Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Group The Women’s Resource of Greater Houston Bank of America Office of the City Comptroller Skills 4 Living Money Management International First Community Credit Union HCCS Financial Aid
Creating an appropriate curriculum Training faculty Reserving facilities Scheduling presenters Advertising Implementation in other SS courses
Fall 2012
Started disputing Items on my credit report with the three credit bureaus. Taking a closer look at unnecessary spending and coming up with a plan to eliminate the spending. Joined a credit union and a mutual fund. I begin to really stick to my previous budget plan and look into clearing any debt. Wrote down all the transactions I made during the month and compared it to how much I was taking in. None. I am 34 years old, with two homes and a kid on the way. I feel like this section would have been great for me when I was 20. I think it opened up my mind about Budgeting, now I'm saving change and "Naming" my money. Reviewed my career goals to my future life and living of my people. I have been eager to learn more and all about money and economics.
SPRING 2013 Curriculum updates Designate faculty campus sponsors Financial fairs at 3 colleges One day fairs at each college Evening mini-fairs at each college Summer-train SS faculty FALL 2013 Financial fairs at all (5)colleges fall & spring One day fairs Evening fairs at each college