Period 4: Global Interactions c c.1750
Introduction FINALLY…a truly global time Americas & Oceania join Afro-Eurasia in trade The encounters between these worlds drastically changed societies, economies, politics, demographics and environments
European Exploration Expands
Factors that led to European Exploration Advances in European ship design Technology gained from trade also a benefit Caravel Compass Accurate maps Astrolabe Rudders & sails
Europeans desire to spread Christianity Competing with popularity of Islam Reconquista Targeted South and East Asia Every expedition carried missionaries Changes in Christianity sparks evangelicalism Incentives given to France, Spain, Portugal Protestant Reformation split church but also added more competition Had to beat the Protestants
Trade as a motivator Europeans weren’t dumb…they could see the profit to be had with the luxuries coming out of Asia Trade is going to trigger the Renaissance as well as the growth of cities Once they understood the value of the Americas…
Why Western and not Eastern Europe? Russia had no warm water ports; so expanded its land empire and didn’t reach Pacific Ocean until 17 th C European countries with Atlantic Ocean coast had advantages over land-locked countries in the east
Why Not China? China did send fleets to Indian Ocean to trade and explore Treasure ships – 400 feet long Commanded by Zheng He Brought back animals, plants, goods & people from Africa & India Ming emperor cancelled the expeditions because of great expense Had the ability but chose not to
Portugal Leads the Way to New Lands Spain follows
Why Portugal and Spain first? Portugal – South, Spain – West Geography Long Atlantic coastlines Proximity to Africa Reconquista Spain’s “re-conquering” of Iberian Peninsula drove the Muslims from Spain Gave Spanish leaders a strong patriotism were eager to expand their influence
Why Portugal and Spain first? Italian trade domination in Mediterranean Portugal & Spain wanted to by-pass them Therefore went South & West
Portugal Goes South Prince Henry the Navigator (not a navigator but a real prince) Established a navigation school on Atlantic coast Trained sailors and sponsored many expeditions along west coast of Africa They “discovered” Madeira & Azores Islands
Portugal goes South 1488 – Bartolomeo Dias rounded tip of Africa (Cape of Good Hope) 1498 – Vasco da Gama made it to India Portugal established link to the east
Spain goes West Had no choice…the only unclaimed direction Believed Afro-Eurasia was the only land mass Made sense to them that to sail west was to find India, the Indies or China (Cathay) Columbus convinced Ferdinand and Isabella that he would find for them Glory and Gold and claim new “lands” for God
Spain goes West Spanish & Columbus thought he made it Area later called West Indies The mistake actually paid off Spain eventually accumulated great wealth because of agriculture and mining Sugar Gold & silver
Continuities in the Global Networks of Exchange Period 4 is not “all Atlantic, all the time”
Continuities in Religion Islam continues its spread across Sub- Saharan Africa and into East and Southeast Asia (Indonesia and Philippines) Buddhism moves across SE Asia and into parts of Central Asia Hinduism is core in India
Continuities in Trade Indian Ocean trade continued to thrive European merchants could only joined if they cooperated with the local rulers of the port cities because they couldn’t dominate this long-established organization Atlantic trade volume eventually surpassed the Indian Ocean trade
Continuities in Agriculture Most people in the world were STILL farmers – most growing just enough for their families to live on with a little left over to sell Others grew a single crop to be exported for food (initial commercial farming) Changes occurred because of the flood of new foods from the Americas
Continuities in Migrations Just before 1492 most mass migrations had ended Hawaii inhabited by 900 Tahiti by c 1300 Bantu Migration near end – built Great Zimbabwe