Legal Department Coordination INTERNAL WORK Defend the interests of the National Health Confederation and the health services companies. EXTERNAL WORK Institutional representation of the National Health Confederation.
INTERNAL WORK Legal Advice Bill follow up Bill proposals Defense actions for the Health Sector
Federations Legal Teams Actions Discussion of Relevant topics for the category. Monthly Meetings Actions to correct consequences or illegalities
Law Suits Follow Ups Legal actions eleborations because of illegalities Follow up on law suits filed
EXTERNAL WORK Institutional Representation CRT - Conselho de Relações do Trabalho (Work Relations Council) CRT - Conselho de Relações do Trabalho (Work Relations Council) Tripartite and Partitario Collegiate Oraganization that offers guidance and opinions on proposals that aim the democratization of the work relations in Brazil; update of the union and labor laws; helps on the collective negotiations; the self composition of conflicts in the work area ; the creation of an enviroment that favors employment and decent work, through dialogue between the government, emplyers and employees.
GIEMP – Interconfederative Employer Group Focus on discussing issues related to Work Relations
CTPP – Tripartite Group that discusses Work Safety and Health CTPP – Tripartite Group that discusses Work Safety and Health It’s objective is to take part on the process of reviewig and elaborating regulations to work safety and health at work and also the general rules related to the work conditions.
CODEFAT – Worker Aide Fund Deliberative Council CODEFAT – Worker Aide Fund Deliberative Council Atributions: Aprove the guidelines and allocation programs of all the resoureces of the Fund; Follow up and assess the social impact, economic and finnancial resourses and the performance of the programs performed; Supervise administration of the Fund Promote special or periodic audits in the institutions that take part in the FAT administration, related to the activities of the Fund.
Confederation Forum – Executive Power
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