Personal Finance Bell Ringer Log on to your computer or move to a computer if you do not have one Agenda Discuss what you learned from creating a career portfolio Presentation on how to prepare for a job interview
The Five Step Interview Process
Importance of Preparing for an Interview Everyone will go on an interview Opportunity to sell your strengths Know what to expect Know appropriate dress
5 Steps in the Interview Process 1. Before the Interview 2. The Start of the Interview 3. The Interview 4. Closing the Interview 5. The Follow-up
Step 1: Before the Interview Do research on the company Learn as much as you can It will show you are interested Know where you are going Do not be late! Be prepared Bring extra copies Bring a note pad and pen Bring a list of questions
Step1 Continued.. Identify professional references Create a list of references with contact information Notify these references Turn off cell phone! Dress for success Hair combed and clean Perfume and cologne to a minimum Fresh breath No gum! Look professional
Interview Attire
Step 2: Start of the Interview Have a friendly greeting Introduce yourself Look straight into the interviewer’s eyes Have a firm handshake Smile Wait to be offered a seat
Step 2 Continued.. Be confident and friendly Show interest in being there Express thanks to have the opportunity DO NOT Smoke Chew Gum Curse Slouch Touch anything on the interviewer’s desk Appear uninterested or tired
Step 3: The Interview Face the interviewer and have good posture Stay positive with your attitude and answers Understand the company and specific job you are applying for Be prepared to answer questions About your resume About your strengths, experience, etc.
Step 3 Continued.. Listen to the questions asked Give yourself time to gather your thoughts Respond enthusiastically If you don’t understand the question, ask to have it rephrased or explained Be thorough with your answers Provide explanations or use examples
Step 3 Continued.. Be honest Express your willingness to learn and grow with the job Do not emphasize your weaknesses Show you are highly motivated and enthusiastic
Step 4: Closing the Interview Ask questions you have prepared Make sure the interviewer knows the best way to contact you Leave a positive, lasting impression 30 second sales pitch Thank the interviewer for their time and interest in you as a potential employee Shake hands firmly on the way out
Step 5: The Follow Up Send the interviewer a thank you letter Send it immediately after the interview After about a week call to find out if a decision was made If not, find out when one is expected to be made If you are not hired, remain positive Be professional and thank them for their time
Always Remember Manners!