Training Standardisation Professionals in Russia ISO General Assembly Open Session at the National Mineral Resources University, Saint-Petersburg Vitaly Aristov, D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
Leader of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Higher School Establishments Develops training programmes for all universities offering Bachelor and Master degrees in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology Over 9000 students 200 students representing 30 foreign countries Over 500 PhD students and trainees 550 PhD holders and Associate Professors 200 Doctor of Science degree holders and Full Professors 10 Academicians and Correspondent members of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Collaboration with over 10 Research Institutions of RAS
International standards and educational establishments International Standards bring technological, economic and societal benefits. They help to harmonise technical specifications of products and services making industry more efficient and breaking down barriers to international trade. International Standards also contribute effectively to sustainability, by providing good practices on the use of technologies and the management of processes affecting economic, social and environmental aspects. This is why higher school establishments train standardisation professionals for industry, business and civil society and raise awareness of general public in the field of international standards.
Areas/directions in accordance with the Ministry list Secondary education Bachelor 4 years Master 2 years Specialist 5-6 years Specialisations approved by the Government PhD 3-4 years Professional re-training Training levels
Standardisation related areas of higher education in Russia Professionals trained by Technical Universities / Technical Faculties of Classical Universities major in: Standardisation and metrology Quality management Innovations Automation / Management of technical systems Compulsory standardisation related courses for other students: Technical profiles – general standardisation and metrology courses Science – some information on measurements related standrds Management profiles – courses focused on Management Systems Economics – some management related courses State /Municipal Governance – (nearly) none Law –none
New applicants of standardisation related programmes Annually each of 50 leading Technical University of Russia admits new applicants
Top 10 Russian Universities training standardisation professionals 1.Tomsk State University of Management and Automation Systems and Radioelectronics 2.Omsk State Transport University 3.Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnic University 4.Moscow State Technical University named after N. Bauman Leads and co-ordinates development of training programmes 5.Kazan Federal University 6.Tomsk National Polytechnic University 7.D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology 8.National Research University of Steel and Alloys 9.Russian Academy of Economics and State Service 10.Saint-Petersburg State University of Aeronautic and Space Equipment
Research projects Traditionally, research projects are conducted by teams of Master and PhD students supervised by leading professors In standardisation related areas PhD degrees can be obtained in Technical Sciences and Economics Over 20 Dissertation Councils consider dissertations focused on: Development and application of technical standards Specialized in particular branches of industry Metrology Specialized in particular branches of industry Quality management Environmental and Energy Management
Collaboration with National Technical Committees Many Russian Universities and Research Institutions participate in activities of National Technical Committees developing GOSTs Several Technical Committees are lead by educational establishments and research institutions: Social Responsibility (The Academy for Labour and Social Relations) Lifelong Learning (The Academy for Standardisation, Metrology and Certification) Hydraulic Systems (Moscow State Technical University Weldingnamed after N. Bauman) Chemistry (D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia) Distant Learning (Moscow State University of Technology “Stankin”) Measurements and Control in Technical Systems (Trapeznikov Institute for Management Problems)
Conclusions International standards bring technological, economic and societal benefits making economy more efficient, effective and sustainable. Higher school establishments train professionals in standardisation to meet needs of national economy and civil society. Traditionally, standardisation related training is rather technical. Key technical university lead in training standardisation professionals for many branches of industry. There is a need to raise awareness of students majoring in science, management, economics, law, international standards. Russian universities successfully collaborate with Rosstandart but their participation in standards development and in standardisation related research projects needs to be strengthened.
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