OBSERVATIONS For SLD Eligibility Make sure you sit with your school’s team.
Observation Activities Please form teams of two from your schools. TEAM = Learning Specialist + Mental Health Provider “Getting to Know You” “The Power of Observation”
Observation Requirements for SLD Determination Section (a) The public agency must ensure that the child is observed in the child’s learning environment (including the regular classroom setting) to document the child’s academic performance and behavior in the areas of difficulty. Section (b)(1) - Use information from an observation in routine classroom instruction and monitoring of the child’s performance that was done before the child was referred for an evaluation OR
Observation Requirements for SLD Determination Section (b)(2) Have at least one member of the group described in (a)(1) (group of qualified professionals) conduct an observation of the child’s academic performance in the regular classroom after the child has been referred for an evaluation and parental consent is obtained. (3) For a child suspected of having a specific learning disability, the documentation of the determination of eligibility, must contain a statement of the relevant behavior, if any, noted during the observation of the child and relationship of that behavior to the child’s academic functioning.
Consent for Observation When a student is being referred for a full and comprehensive evaluation, permission to conduct the observation is completed through the Permission for Initial Evaluation or Permission for Reevaluation. Parental consent is not required for observations conducted as part of routine classroom instruction and monitoring of the child's performance before the child is referred for an evaluation. However, parent notification is highly recommended and best practice.
Why Observe? To assist in problem identification Is it a “performance” deficit or a “skill” deficit? To determine the relationship of the observed behaviors to the student’s academic functioning Helps the observer and team design interventions to meet instructional needs
Comprehensive Approach Instruction How the curriculum is taught Curriculum What is taught Environment Where instruction takes place _____________________________________ Learner Who is being taught
Instruction Domain instructional decision making regarding selection and use of materials instructional decision making regarding placement of students in materials progress monitoring clarity of instructions communication of expectations & criteria for success direct instruction with explanations and cues sequencing of lesson designs to promote success variety of practice activities pace of presentation of new content Heartland Sped Manual
Curriculum Domain long range direction for instruction instructional philosophy/approaches instructional materials stated outcomes for the course of study arrangement of the content/ instruction pace of the steps leading to the outcomes general learner criteria as identified in the school improvement plan, LEA curriculum and benchmarks Heartland Sped Manual
Environment Domain physical arrangement of the room furniture/equipment rules management plans routines expectations peer context peer and family influence task pressure Heartland Sped Manual
Learner Domain This is the last domain to consider, and is addressed when: the curriculum and instruction are appropriate, the environment is positive This domain includes student performance data: academic social/behavioral Heartland Sped Manual
RIOT An Acronym that is used to look at each Assessment Domain Review Interview Observe Test ** NASP website materials/Heartland Sped manual/CDE SLD manual 10-08
RIOT Data can be gathered through reviews and interviews The least intrusive and time intensive procedures should be utilized first. If the needed information can be obtained through reviews and interviews, there may be no need to do observations or tests to answer some assessment questions. A single source of data is not sufficient for making educational decisions, decisions should be based on convergent data. Example RIOT model
Basics of Observation Set up sufficient time to observe when the behavior or academic skill deficit is exhibited Have the classroom teacher identify a “typical peer” of the same sex to compare with the student you are observing Try to be as unobtrusive in the environment as possible – do not engage with the student unless it is for safety reasons Sit with a clear view of the student and the comparison peer Have a clear reason for observing – know what the area of concern is Examples of look-fors
Instruction Are directions clear and of reasonable length/ complexity to meet the student’s needs? Does the student seem to understand what they are supposed to do on the task? Is there a balance between direct instruction, guided practice, independent practice Are the instructional materials at the student’s level? Is the student given a chance to practice skills with feedback? Is the timing/pacing of the instruction consistent with the student’s skill level and attention span?
Curriculum What curriculum is being used to teach the academic area? What accommodations have been made for the student to access the curriculum? What is the goal of the lesson? Where in the sequence is the lesson? (new, introductory, new plus initial practice, practice or review)
Environment Are clear classroom rules or expectations posted? What is the physical set up of the classroom? How much stimuli? Is there a daily schedule posted? What are students expected to do when they finish their work? What noise level is in the classroom? Are positive classroom behaviors reinforced? Do the students receive reminders of expected behaviors in advance of lessons? How are transitions structured or pre-taught? Does the student know how to get help when needed?
Learner (as compared to peer) Is student able to manage his/her behavior? Is student on task in the classroom? When does off-task behavior occur (if it does)? (antecedent?) What do peer interactions look like? Does the student participate in group activities? How does the student respond to positive feedback? Does the student participate in group discussion? Does student ask for help when needed? Does student appear to complete independent seatwork?
Learner (as compared to peer) How long does it take for the student to get started on a task? Does student have organizational skills at the same level as comparison peer? Does student appear to struggle with the task? (how so?) Does the student follow the classroom routine? Does the student need reminders to complete work?
Post-Observation Obtain work samples from teacher for this time period and ask to see the comparison peer’s work, if possible, as well Conduct a student interview if possible about the time period ( see FAAB student interview form ) see FAAB student interview form Conduct a discussion with the teacher about the observation ( see FAAB teacher interview form ) see FAAB teacher interview form Follow up with your multidisciplinary team Record observation in the IEP (see examples)
Sample IEP Statements for Observations Needs to Learn: Decoding strategies to increase reading fluency to the 3 rd grade level 2/12/09 Formal classroom observation in regular ed. literacy block: Student exhibited on task behaviors 28% of the time when asked to work independently on reading materials at grade level. When student was assigned to a group using lower level (2 nd grade) reading materials, on-task behavior improved to 97% (same as comparison peer). 1/22/09 Basic Reading Inventory assessment indicated instructional level of 2.1.
Samples continued Needs to Learn: Coping strategies when frustrated with a difficult task. 3/12/09 formal classroom observation in math: When student was given a task to complete independently, he left seat and engaged other peers in conversation 10 out of 15 minutes. When grouped with a positive peer model, off-task conversations decreased and student was able to complete task with teacher prompting.
Samples continued Needs to Learn: Strategies to decode multi-syllable words at a 4 th grade level 4/6/09 Formal classroom observation during small group instruction in reading. Student struggled with decoding strategies and attempted to escape the task by asking to go the restroom when it was his turn to read (2 times during the 15 minute observation). Student responded well to verbal encouragement to attempt the task and monitoring his own progress (sticker system and charting).
Sharing Observation Tools Classroom/Student Observations (several samples) Assessment Organizer RIOT FAAB (sample book) Determination of SLD Eligibility (see example)