TETRA in use by the Military K.-H. (Charly) Hengevoß Board Member TETRA MoU Association The roles and tasks of defence forces and their mutual relations are changing. International peace keeping is gaining a more significant role as the thread of armoured attack diminishes. In addition, large scale national disasters and defence against terrorism necessitate the use of armed forces in support of Civil Society. Simultaneously technology developments enhance weapon and sensor capabilities. As a consequence, units and forces become more efficient, costier and therefore more valuable. Fewer units are needed for the same level of performance. On the other hand, reduction in the number of units necessitates an increase in their mobility. Improvements in the command, control and communications, battle space management and situation awareness become necessary. It is emptiness that characterizes the battlespace of the future. Units and forces are sparse. Advanced communications and sensor technologies supported by network centric information operations enable armed power projection and the use of weaponry deep into the battle space. Although the end of the cold war has reduced the risk of a large scale armed confrontation, internal conflicts are possible. Between 1990 and 2001 the world saw 57 armed conflicts only 3 of which involved use of foreign or external armed forces. In 2001 there were 24 on-going conflicts and 51 on-going crises management operations. It has become evident that separation of warring parties is no longer sufficient – the requirements for crisis management have changed. In a Peace Support Operation, requirements for advanced mobile communications vary depending on the phase of the operation. In the beginning, emphasis is on tactical mobility and operational security. Interoperability is, without a question, vital in multinational joint operations. As the operation progresses, consultation and cooperation with civilian crisis management, local authorities as well as Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) gain importance. If the operation is prolonged, sustainment becomes complicated. Information security issues need special attention; otherwise they might become a showstopper. 1st Indian TETRA Conference
1st Indian TETRA Conference Agenda The National TETRA concept of the Finish Defence Force Deployable TETRA systems on the military battlefield Simulation of realistic combat using TETRA network Italian Navy using TETRA on-board a ship Why Future Military Systems will use TETRA An advanced mobile communication system for armed forces should support: - mobility - localization capabilities - interoperability between national and international civil authorities - interoperability within own armed services - interoperability with foreign armed forces - bridging between nets of different kind - operations in hostile electromagnetic environment - extensive use of commercial components and standards. To summarize, better, costlier and more capable armed forces need improved communications to support their operations and to maintain proper command and control as well as situational awareness in a variety of scenarios yet still providing operational security, information security as well as communications security appropriate to the task at hand. TETRA is an excellent solution which assures efficient wireless communications in network centric warfare because it fulfils many of the requirements stated above. I will now guide you through a set of case studies beginning with the National TETRA concept of the Finish defence forces. I will then talk about deployable TETRA systems on the military battle field and the simulation of realistic combat using TETRA network. You will also hear from the Italian Navy using TETRA on-board a ship. The presentation will end with an outlook into future military communication systems developments. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
1st Indian TETRA Conference Agenda The National TETRA concept of the Finish Defence Force Deployable TETRA systems on the military battlefield Simulation of realistic combat using TETRA network Italian Navy using TETRA on-board a ship Why Future Military Systems will use TETRA The first case study deals with the Finish defence forces using a nation wide public safety TETRA network which is known as Virve Network. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
The National TETRA concept of the Finish Defence Force Use of communication with other security authorities In peace time, end terminals are delivered for selected users - in accordance with the readiness requirements - for troops training and experience purposes - for safety communications in live firing exercises In time of crisis TETRA will be used for Command and Control of - military police activities - close area communications in important bases, such as air bases - protection of crucial objects - defence material deployment Just let‘s think of a scenario to demonstrate the possibilities and how a common operational picture can be presented in the future. The world has fallen into a continued recession. Oil prices are skyrocketing. There has been an increased foreign activity in Finland’s neighboring countries, and also numerous violations of the Finish borders. Finland is performing a large military exercise in the north, where they are testing a number of new weapons systems including live firing exercises. This has drawn the attention of several countries, and they are performing intelligence operations through active and passive sensors as well as agents. Our command is responsible for the security in the area near Heinola. The use of force is authorised. In Finland a public safety TETRA network offers nation wide coverage. In peace time end terminals are delivered for selected army users in accordance with the readiness requirements, for troops training and experience purpose and for safety communications in testing new weapons systems including live firing exercises. In time of crisis the TETRA network will also be used for command and control of military police activities, the guarding of important bases such as air bases, the protection of very important objects and the defence material deployment. One of the supplementary advantages of using the nationwide TETRA service is the interagency communication capability. E.g. police forces might be seamlessly integrated into the command and control of the military police activities. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
TETRA use in Finish Defence Forces The Finish Defence’s TETRA project goes back to 1997, when Virve started to build up their nationwide system. The operational use started in 2001 in the south eastern part of Finland. Independent of this project, a deployable TETRA system project for battalion level out of area peacekeeping and crisis management operations was set into operation in 2001 in Kosowo and extended to brigade level in 2003 Today more than 3000 military subscribers use TETRA. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
Examples of TETRA Sub Networks within Military Action/Operation C2 Network Guarding Units Network Military Medical Network Liaison Officers Network Military Police Network Transport Control Network Authority Cooperation Network Examples of TETRA Sub Networks within Military Action/Operation The TETRA service can be used as virtual private network for various operations. FINDEF uses it as Command and Control Network, as Guarding Units Network, as Military Medical Network, as Liaison Officer Network, as Military Police Network, as Transport Control Network and as Authority Cooperation Network. If operations require direct communication to non-military organisations, no additional equipment is needed. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
1st Indian TETRA Conference Agenda The National TETRA concept of the Finish Defence Force Deployable TETRA systems on the military battlefield Simulation of realistic combat using TETRA network Italian Navy using TETRA on-board a ship Why Future Military Systems will use TETRA The second case study presents a deployable TETRA system on the military battlefield. This part is based on information given by Captain Odd Erik Kalloken from the Norwegian Army Signals. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
Deployable TETRA systems on the military battlefield Deployable TETRA systems are used by The Norwegian Army The Swedish Army The Finish Army The Italian Army The Brazilian Army …. Many countries use deployable TETRA systems in partnership for peace programs. Those who are publicly known are the Norwegian Army, the Swedish Army, the Finish Army the Italian Army and the Brazilian Army. Other projects are under NDA. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
Equipment usage System availability Terminals in DMO Switch, interfaces and dispatcher System availability Voice recorder, SDS- and voice- mailboxes Base station in fall-back mode Terminals in DMO and REP The simplest and fastest way TETRA based equipment can be used is terminals in direct mode on a common frequency. For coverage extension a direct mode repeater can be used. With the installation of a base station operating in fall back mode the range of operation can be extended. A switch will add the possibility to expand the coverage by adding base stations, to interface with other networks, to use a dispatcher and to connect a voice recording system. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
Mobile Solutions – Plug and Call BSM Base Station Module PSM Power Supply Module BEM Branching Equipment Module Power Generator Mobile TETRA Solution AEM Antenna Equipment Module ultra-light mast (anchorable, black, manpack length 1,3m; height 9m) Terminals The base stations and switches and other network accessories usually are available in containerised or standardised case solutions. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
Equipment preperations as part of the ”high readiness” The terminal equipment transport and preparation requires some special arrangement for achieving high readiness. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
1st Indian TETRA Conference Network Experiences In early stage of operation base station in fall-back mode Program only one LA in terminal Terminal tends to make hand-over to other cells if the coverage areas overlap Standardize as far as possible network configuration Only one omni antenna used (duplexer) Easier and quicker installation COTS in variable climate zones Equipment must be protected, dust, heat humidity Fleet mapping Make it simple, but efficient for the mission Pre-programmed before deployment In the early stage of operation base stations were only used in fall-back mode. With two or more base stations in fall-back mode operating close to each other, the terminals tried to migrate (register in another base station) and hence loosing contact to their operation. Experience showed, that terminals should use only one local area to avoid the effect of migration. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
1st Indian TETRA Conference Agenda The National TETRA concept of the Finish Defence Force Deployable TETRA systems on the military battlefield Simulation of realistic combat using TETRA network Italian Navy using TETRA on-board a ship Why Future Military Systems will use TETRA The third user case study carries us to Germany. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
Technology for Training Radio station Ausb DGPS Command and Control Centre The German Combat Training Centre with its training area of 15 by 35 km lies 120 km west of the German capital Berlin. It is designed for joint Forces training on brigade level. The following slides will show you the basic technologies being used for the training. A video system and different communication systems are monitored in the command and control center. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
TETRA Terminal Equipment Soldier CTC equipment Vehicle CTC equipment For simulation of hits and their effects on humans and material, laser equipment is used for all direct fire arms. Humans and vehicles carry laser detectors to detect hits. Event data (e.g. a hit) as well as position data are transmitted by a TETRA radio system back to the control room. The TETRA player unit as it is called by its users consists of a standard TETRA radio circuit board, a GPS receiver and a main controller. It is connected with a bus connector to the sensor equipment, the laser weapon and the central power supply. It is activated and de-activated by this connector. Additional equipment for indirect events on the battlefield makes the training more realistic. Mines and nuclear, biological or chemical weapons effects are presented by smoke in different colours. Their effect on humans and vehicles is pared by the control system based on the individual position data and transmitted back to the soldiers over the TETRA system. Six radio base station sites cover the complete training area. The base station sites are equipped with tactical radio receivers for monitoring the voice communication of the troupes and a six carrier TETRA base station for data transmission and voice communication for the Observers and Controllers. 48 workstations for supervision and evaluation are installed in the command and control center. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
Technology-Training-Methodology Radio station Ausb GPS After Action Review in the field platoon / company / battalion Daily After Action Review Final After Action Review training report Command and Control Centre analysis, evaluation & edition SR radio viewgraphs command and control video Data and video sequences, voice communication from the tactical radio system are stored on a computer system in the command and control centre. Analysts evaluate these information from the battlefield and create after action viewgraphs on a daily basis. At the end of the training a final after action review takes place and each participant gets a training report. The daily after action review takes place in fixed or mobile auditoriums on the battlefield. The final after action report takes place in the command and control centre’s auditorium. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
1st Indian TETRA Conference Agenda The National TETRA concept of the Finish Defence Force Deployable TETRA systems on the military battlefield Simulation of realistic combat using TETRA network Italian Navy using TETRA on-board a ship Why Future Military Systems will use TETRA The last military user case deals with the Navy. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
Frigate Maestrale (123 m length) Last year an Italian Frigate of the 123 m class was equipped with a TETRA system. The system serves as redundant intercom system for fire fighting and rescue operation on board the ship. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
1st Indian TETRA Conference Agenda The National TETRA concept of the Finish Defence Force Deployable TETRA systems on the military battlefield Simulation of realistic combat using TETRA network Italian Navy using TETRA on-board a ship Why Future Military Systems will use TETRA At the end of the presentation I would like to give a brief outlook on future use of TETRA in the military environment. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
1st Indian TETRA Conference Military Programs considering TETRA as part of integrated communication solution The Theatre Independent Tactical Army and Air Force Network (TITAAN) from the Netherlands Armed Forces The Finish Software Radio Programme from the Finish Defense Forces Telecommunication Laboratory and Centre of Wireless Communications C4ISR Framework from the US Army CEDECOM Security Assistance for utilizing US grant funds TETRA is considered for numerous military programs. Among those are programs in the Netherlands, Finland and the United States. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
Why these and other military programs consider TETRA The current features of TETRA - Direct Mode Operation (DMO) - Emergency call - Fast call set-up And the features of the evolution version of TETRA - enhanced data rates - roaming with other Networks I couldn’t find a better conclusion than that stated from Mr. Heikki Rantanen from the Defence Research Center in Riihimäki, Finland, who stated on a Future Workshop: TETRA is exceptionally advantageous radio access network in upcoming multinational peacekeeping and crises management operations. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference
1st Indian TETRA Conference Thank you for your attention Thank you. February 8th, 2006 1st Indian TETRA Conference 1st Indian TETRA Conference