Post-War American Life
American Life After World War II, soldiers needed to readjust to normal life. After World War II, soldiers needed to readjust to normal life. GI Bill of Rights – provided college tuition and low interest loans to veterans. GI Bill of Rights – provided college tuition and low interest loans to veterans. Baby Boom – sharp increase in birth rate after WWII. Baby Boom – sharp increase in birth rate after WWII.
American Life President Truman ended segregation in the military!!! President Truman ended segregation in the military!!!
American Life First suburb in Levittown, NY First suburb in Levittown, NY Growth of suburbs and the middle class!!! Growth of suburbs and the middle class!!! WHITE FLIGHT
American Life Dwight D. Eisenhower became president in 1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower became president in 1952
American Life Interstate Highway Act created a nationwide highway system over 40,000 miles. Interstate Highway Act created a nationwide highway system over 40,000 miles.
American Life
Rock ‘n’ roll combination of black and white music in the U.S. Rock ‘n’ roll combination of black and white music in the U.S. Elvis Presley was the king of rock ‘n’ roll. Elvis Presley was the king of rock ‘n’ roll.
The Beginning of the Cold War ( )
The Cold War U.S. and Soviet Union had been allies during WWII but disagreed about the future of Europe. U.S. and Soviet Union had been allies during WWII but disagreed about the future of Europe. Soviets controlled much of Eastern Europe as satellite nations and refused to allow free elections (Potsdam Conference). Soviets controlled much of Eastern Europe as satellite nations and refused to allow free elections (Potsdam Conference).
The Cold War
Cold War – worldwide rivalry between the U.S. and the Soviet Union; never involved directly in a “hot” military conflict (lasted from 1940s – 1990s). Cold War – worldwide rivalry between the U.S. and the Soviet Union; never involved directly in a “hot” military conflict (lasted from 1940s – 1990s). Churchill said that an “iron curtain” separated democracy in Western Europe and communism in Eastern Europe. Churchill said that an “iron curtain” separated democracy in Western Europe and communism in Eastern Europe.
The Cold War Truman Doctrine – U.S. promised to help/support countries resisting communism. Truman Doctrine – U.S. promised to help/support countries resisting communism. Containment – to keep communism from spreading. Containment – to keep communism from spreading.
The Cold War After World War II, Western Europe was destroyed!!! After World War II, Western Europe was destroyed!!! Marshall Plan – U.S. gave $13 billion to Western Europe to help rebuild. Marshall Plan – U.S. gave $13 billion to Western Europe to help rebuild.
The Cold War After World War II, Germany was divided among the Allied nations. After World War II, Germany was divided among the Allied nations. GB, FR, and the U.S. (democracy) combined their zones to create West Germany. GB, FR, and the U.S. (democracy) combined their zones to create West Germany.
The Cold War In 1948, Stalin stopped all traffic into West Berlin (hoping it would give in to communism). In 1948, Stalin stopped all traffic into West Berlin (hoping it would give in to communism). Berlin Airlift – U.S. and GB flew food and supplies into West Berlin. Berlin Airlift – U.S. and GB flew food and supplies into West Berlin. 327 days, 277,000 flights, 2.3 million tons of supplies!!!
The Cold War North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) – alliance for collective security against Soviet communism (Western Europe and U.S.). North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) – alliance for collective security against Soviet communism (Western Europe and U.S.).
The Cold War Warsaw Pact – alliance between the Soviet Union and its satellite nations. Warsaw Pact – alliance between the Soviet Union and its satellite nations.
The Cold War Heats Up
The Cold War After World War II, China became a communist nation led by Mao Zedong. After World War II, China became a communist nation led by Mao Zedong.
The Cold War North Korea and South Korea were separated by the 38 th Parallel. North Korea and South Korea were separated by the 38 th Parallel. North Korea began a military buildup (armed with Soviet weapons). North Korea began a military buildup (armed with Soviet weapons).
The Cold War Korean War began in 1950 when N. Korean troops crossed the 38 th Parallel and attacked S. Korea. Korean War began in 1950 when N. Korean troops crossed the 38 th Parallel and attacked S. Korea. Truman ordered American troops stationed in Japan to support S. Korea. Truman ordered American troops stationed in Japan to support S. Korea. The UN also supported S. Korea to “restore international peace and security.” The UN also supported S. Korea to “restore international peace and security.”
The Cold War General Douglas MacArthur commanded American and S. Korean troops. General Douglas MacArthur commanded American and S. Korean troops. He wanted to attack China, and Truman fired him for insubordination. He wanted to attack China, and Truman fired him for insubordination.
The Cold War Both sides agreed to a cease-fire on June 23, 1951 (no real winner). Both sides agreed to a cease-fire on June 23, 1951 (no real winner). 38 th Parallel separates N. Korea and S. Korea STILL TODAY. 38 th Parallel separates N. Korea and S. Korea STILL TODAY. Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (S.E.A.T.O) – alliance to prevent the spread of communism in Asia. Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (S.E.A.T.O) – alliance to prevent the spread of communism in Asia.
On the Edge of War
The Cold War In 1949, Soviet Union tested their first atomic bomb. In 1949, Soviet Union tested their first atomic bomb. To take the lead in the ARMS RACE, U.S. built the H-bomb (hydrogen bomb) in To take the lead in the ARMS RACE, U.S. built the H-bomb (hydrogen bomb) in 1952.
The Cold War President Dwight D. Eisenhower followed many of Truman’s policies. President Dwight D. Eisenhower followed many of Truman’s policies. But, he favored massive retaliation, in which U.S. would threaten to use nuclear weapons (AKA brinkmanship). But, he favored massive retaliation, in which U.S. would threaten to use nuclear weapons (AKA brinkmanship).
The Cold War Nikita Khrushchev took control of the Soviet Union after Stalin’s death in Nikita Khrushchev took control of the Soviet Union after Stalin’s death in He wanted to move toward “peaceful co- existence.” He wanted to move toward “peaceful co- existence.”
The Cold War The Suez Crisis (Egypt) threatened oil shipments. The Suez Crisis (Egypt) threatened oil shipments. Eisenhower Doctrine - U.S. would use force to help any Middle Eastern nation threatened by communism. Eisenhower Doctrine - U.S. would use force to help any Middle Eastern nation threatened by communism.
The Cold War Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) gathered intelligence and staged covert operations to overthrow governments. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) gathered intelligence and staged covert operations to overthrow governments. Led to resentment (especially in Latin America) against the U.S.. Led to resentment (especially in Latin America) against the U.S..
The Cold War In 1957, the Soviets launched the first artificial satellite, called Sputnik. In 1957, the Soviets launched the first artificial satellite, called Sputnik. Marked the beginning of the SPACE RACE!!! Marked the beginning of the SPACE RACE!!!
The Cold War National Defense Education Act – to produce more scientists and science teachers. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was created in 1958.
The Cold War Eisenhower had promised an an “open skies” policy. Eisenhower had promised an an “open skies” policy. CIA used U-2 (high-altitude airplanes) to spy on the Soviet Union. CIA used U-2 (high-altitude airplanes) to spy on the Soviet Union. U-2 Incident – Francis Gary Powers was shot down by a Soviet pilot. U-2 Incident – Francis Gary Powers was shot down by a Soviet pilot.
Cold War at Home
The Cold War influenced American life!!! The Cold War influenced American life!!! Red Scare – fear that communists were trying to overthrow the government and destroy American ways of life. Red Scare – fear that communists were trying to overthrow the government and destroy American ways of life. Also, students were taught to “Duck and Cover” in case of a nuclear attack!!! Also, students were taught to “Duck and Cover” in case of a nuclear attack!!!
The Cold War
Cold War at Home House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) – government investigated communism in the U.S. House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) – government investigated communism in the U.S. They investigated the movie industry; the Hollywood Ten refused to testify and were sent to prison. They investigated the movie industry; the Hollywood Ten refused to testify and were sent to prison. Others were blacklisted, or not hired because of “alleged” communist ties. Others were blacklisted, or not hired because of “alleged” communist ties.
Cold War at Home Alger Hiss – communist spy working in the federal government; spent 5 years in prison. Alger Hiss – communist spy working in the federal government; spent 5 years in prison. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg – charged with conspiring to share secrets about the atomic bomb with Ethel and Julius Rosenberg – charged with conspiring to share secrets about the atomic bomb with the Soviet Union. They were executed!!! They were executed!!!
Cold War at Home Senator Joseph McCarthy took advantage of Americans’ fear!!! Senator Joseph McCarthy took advantage of Americans’ fear!!! He made accusations about communists working in the government; NO EVIDENCE!!! He made accusations about communists working in the government; NO EVIDENCE!!! McCarthyism – attacks on “suspected” communists in the 1950s. McCarthyism – attacks on “suspected” communists in the 1950s.
Cold War at Home In 1954, McCarthy claimed communists were in the U.S. Army on television. In 1954, McCarthy claimed communists were in the U.S. Army on television. He lost support of the American people!!! He lost support of the American people!!!
Cold War in the 1960s
John F. Kennedy became president in 1960 and led a “new generation of Americans.” John F. Kennedy became president in 1960 and led a “new generation of Americans.” This was the first televised presidential debate (Kennedy vs. Nixon)!!! This was the first televised presidential debate (Kennedy vs. Nixon)!!!
Cold War in the 1960s “Third World” – developing nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America that didn’t side with the U.S. or the Soviet Union. “Third World” – developing nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America that didn’t side with the U.S. or the Soviet Union. Peace Corps sent volunteers to provide education and health services to “Third World” nations. Peace Corps sent volunteers to provide education and health services to “Third World” nations. Alliance for Progress – U.S. promoted economic interests in Latin America. Alliance for Progress – U.S. promoted economic interests in Latin America.
Cold War in the 1960s In 1959, Fidel Castro became the communist leader in Cuba. In 1959, Fidel Castro became the communist leader in Cuba. In 1961, the CIA trained Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro’s government in the Bay of Pigs Invasion. In 1961, the CIA trained Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro’s government in the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Invasion failed miserably!!! Invasion failed miserably!!!
Cold War in the 1960s In 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis began when U.S. discovered that Soviets were building nuclear missile sites in Cuba. In 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis began when U.S. discovered that Soviets were building nuclear missile sites in Cuba. Kennedy demanded removal of missiles and set up a blockade of Cuba. Kennedy demanded removal of missiles and set up a blockade of Cuba. “Hottest” moment of the Cold War!!!
Cold War in the 1960s Khrushchev demanded the U.S. end military presence in West Berlin, but Kennedy refused!!! Khrushchev demanded the U.S. end military presence in West Berlin, but Kennedy refused!!! In 1961, the Berlin Wall was built to divide East and West Berlin. In 1961, the Berlin Wall was built to divide East and West Berlin. Ugly symbol of the Cold War!!!