Eisenhower and the Cold War
Presidential Election of 1952
Civil Rights in late 1950s 1948 Truman desegregates the military 1950 Thurgood Marshall attorney for NAACP (Sweatt v. Painter) Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren “judicial activism” why? 1954 Brown v Board of Education (1896 Plessy v Ferguson) all deliberate speed 1955 Emmett Till 1955 Rosa Parks
Civil Rights in late 1950s 1956 Montogmery Bus Boycott 1956 “Massive Resistance” South’s “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” 1957 Little Rock Arkansas 1957 Civil Rights Act - estb. Civil Rights Commission 1957 Martin Luther King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) 1960 Greensboro Sit-In at Woolworth’s counter 1960 Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Wanted to balance federal budget Guard against “creeping socialism” Slow military build up Curb TVA No free Salk vaccine Operation Wetback Cancel Indian New Deal Legitimatized Social Security, unemployment insurance Interstate Highway Act Business recessions Union of CIO and AFL unions Geneva Convention w/ Krushev and “open skies” except for U2 incident 1960
President Sec. of State Term Cold War Foreign Policy Terms Truman Acheson Containment Eisenhower Dulles Massive Retaliation Kennedy Dean Rusk Flexible Response MAD Strategic Air Command
Early Vietnam Indochina Ho Chi Minh 1954 Dienbienphu French lines crumble Geneva conference set 17th parallel until free elections held Eisenhower sends economic and military aid 17th parallel
More Crises in the Cold War Hungary 1956 Iran overthrow - install the Shah 1953 Suez Canal Crisis (Nasser of Egypt) 1956 UN police Oil policy shift Eisenhower Doctrine 1957
Presidential Election of 1956
Sputnik 1957 NDEA - National Defense and Education Act Cuba’s Castroism = Communism It is all about the sugar Educated Cuban refugees to Florida
Election of 1960