Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin
1 The Bowen Basin in a State context Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin Source: Department of Natural Resources & Mines (December 2005) “Queensland’s World- class Coals – Mine Production and Developments”
2 Moranbah and the Bowen Basin Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin Source: Department of Natural Resources & Mines (December 2005) “Queensland’s World-class Coals – Mine Production and Developments”
3 Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin Coal Reserves in the Bowen Basin The Bowen Basin coalfield is one of Australia’s primary coal mining areas. Sufficient known reserves exist in the Bowen Basin for over 200 years at current extraction rates. The coalfield has some 20 operational mines, with a further under consideration or in the early development stage. Future development activity over the next 5-10 years is likely to be concentrated in the Moranbah and Nebo areas.
4 Moranbah and Coal Reserves Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin Source: Department of Natural Resources & Mines (February 2006)
5 Moranbah and Coal Reserves Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin Source: Department of Natural Resources & Mines (February 2006)
6 Issues Expansion of mining operations Increase in workforce to support expansion Rapid increase in Moranbah’s population – permanent and transient Accommodating the workforce/population growth Constraints on town expansion – coal reserves Balancing local and State interests – valuable coal resources versus town expansion Immediate, short, medium and long term management issues. Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin
7 Issues Population growth issues: –Urban growth Where can the town expand to accommodate the growth – supply of land? High demand for land for development Timing and sequencing of developments –Social impacts Housing choice and affordability Capacity of existing social services Skilled labour market –Economic impacts Capacity of infrastructure Water Supply Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin
8 Issues Mine expansion issues: –Environmental Impacts Air quality Noise Water Land disturbance Mine rehabilitation Mine subsidence Methane gas emissions Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin
9 Managing the Issues The Minister for Environment, Local Government, Planning and Women decided that the State will assist the Belyando Shire Council in resolving the issues associated with growth at Moranbah by: –establishing a Moranbah Growth Management Group (MGMG); and –preparing a Mining Town Sustainable Management Framework. The main task of the Moranbah Growth Management Group is to assist the Belyando Shire Council to prepare and achieve broad agreement to a Master Plan for short, medium and long term options for sustainable management at Moranbah. Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin
10 Managing the Issues Membership of the Group is to comprise –Jim Pearce, MP (Chair); –Belyando Shire Council; –Department of Local Government, Planning, Sport and Recreation; –BMA; –Anglo Coal; –Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water; –The Office of the Coordinator-General; and –Others as required. The Moranbah Growth Management Group will identify issues, policies and options which may be taken to the Coal Industry Taskforce for consideration. The Coal Industry Taskforce regularly reports to Cabinet Budget Review Committee on the progress of the Coal Infrastructure Program of Actions and will incorporate reporting on the Moranbah Growth Management Group into these reports. Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin
11 Managing the Issues Issues identified by MGMG –The need to identify options to manage immediate and short term growth –The timing and sequencing of development options to manage growth, which may also influence a correction in the housing market –The need to consider medium and long term issues to ensure sustainable management of Moranbah –Water supply –Management of the cumulative impacts of the current expansion of mining operations and any future plans to establish open cut mining operations in close proximity to Moranbah Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin
12 Sustainable Management in Mining Towns Planning for Sustainable Communities –Managing the cumulative social, economic and environmental impacts –Managing cultural impacts –Managing the urban lifecycle - stages of growth (urbanization), decline (suburbanization), and rejuvenation (reverse urbanization) –Managing risks –Collaborative approach –Corporate Social Responsibility –Balancing a productive mining industry and sustainable and vibrant communities –Capacity for economic diversification Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin
13 Sustainable Management Outcome Statement Protecting social, economic, cultural and environmental values and economic growth for the State for future generations in meeting community and mining industry interests through the State and local governments, the mining industry and communities working collaboratively to support sustainable and vibrant communities and a productive mining industry. Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin
14 Key Impacts Positive impacts –Stimulation of economic activity – both locally and across the State in terms of related industry, disposable income etc. –Local employment opportunities Negative Impacts –Short term Overheated housing market - housing affordability Strain on the labour market – both locally and in associated towns –Long term Sustaining a skilled labour market – both locally and in associated towns Sustaining a viable housing market – both locally and in associated towns Sustaining a viable local and regional economy Direct and Cumulative Social and Economic Economic Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin
15 Key Impacts Positive impacts –Growth and community wellbeing Negative Impacts –Short term Potential diminishment of quality of lifestyle, amenity and liveability Limited housing choice due to rapid short term growth –Long term Oversupply of permanent style housing Direct and Cumulative Social and Economic Social Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin
16 Key Impacts Positive impacts –Focus on developing Environmental Management Plans Negative Impacts –Air quality –Noise –Water –Land disturbance and degradation –Mine rehabilitation –Mine subsidence –Methane gas emissions Direct and Cumulative Social and Economic Environmental Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin
17 Sustainable Management in Mining Towns 1.Leadership 2.Collaboration 3.Corporate Social Responsibility 4.Sustainability 5.Communication 6.Community Engagement Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin Key Principles
18 Key Principles - Actions 1.Improving the Environmental Impact Assessment process to include cumulative social, economic and environmental impact assessment. 2.Strategic Plan for Moranbah 3.Mining Town Sustainable Management Framework Sustainable Planning for Managing the Impacts of Mining at Moranbah and the Bowen Basin