Networking for Summer Research Positions Engineering Co-op & Career Services
Networking Tips for Research Positions Review research websites of the McMaster Engineering and Computer Science (or any discipline) Faculty. Consider contacting Faculty at other institutions. Conduct further research into the Professors' research areas in which you are interested - you may also want to read some of their publications. Contact these Professors about scheduling an informational interview (in person or by telephone), or correspond via .
Networking Tips for Research Positions During the course of the informational interview, express interest in the Professor's area of research, and ask for suggestions for gaining more experience in this area - e.g., summer research positions. If it is feasible, consider volunteer research opportunities.
Online and Other Resources OSCARplus (Online Student Career and Recruitment) Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Internet search for undergraduate research opportunities May identify opportunities at other universities
Application Tips When applying to specific opportunities: Highlight your transferable skills and interest/knowledge in research area Change your thinking: “I don’t have the knowledge” to “I can learn this” - Think of ways to screen yourself in, not out Utilize posting to guide the cover letter and resume writing process - review projects, techniques, skills, etc. listed in the posting Marks/grades – cumulative versus department/degree program GPA Ask for advice/feedback from Professors
Career Services/Additional offices Engineering Co-op and Career Services (ECCS) Provides services for Engineering and Computer Ccience students JHE A214, Student Success Centre Provides services for all McMaster students GH 110, Writing Clinic emic-skills/writing-support-services.html emic-skills/writing-support-services.html