Sandra Turner ESF Effectiveness Officer Setting the scene
European Structural and Investment Funds : Future of Structural Funds in England Ingrid Gardiner ESF Effectiveness Manager Sandra Turner Civil Society secondee at BIS
European Funding Network
European Structural and Investment Funds Introduction to the European Structural and Investment Funds The Structural and Cohesion Funds are the European Union’s main funding programmes for reducing social and economic disparities across the EU. In England, these funds comprise the: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) which supports research, innovation, business development and infrastructure investment European Social Fund (ESF) which supports training, enhancing access to employment and social inclusion. It will also include part of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), and will be aligned with the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). This funding should begin to come on stream in mid-2014.
European Structural and Investment Funds Programme DWP’s European Social Fund Division (ESFD) is the Managing Authority of the ESF Programme in England and funding is ‘matched’ with UK Government funding. You can also access ESF through one of the Co-financing organisations, including NOMS, and Skills Funding Agency, Department for Work and Pensions More information on the European Social Fund in England is available at For information on ESF and civil society, please go to our dedicated European Funding Network website.NOMSSkills Funding AgencyDepartment for Work and Pensions European Funding Network Above opportunities tendered through PQQ and ITT Community Grants through Grant Co-ordinating Bodies e.g. The Consultancy Home Counties Limited, Surrey Community Action and WEA
Proposed Delivery Arrangements
European Structural and Investment Funds To re-cap, LEPs are responsible for: coming up with an investment strategy for spending their allocation finding projects to deliver that strategy, using a mixture of commissioning, bidding and co-financing as best meets local need finding match funding for those projects ensuring those projects deliver their targets making sure their allocations are spent on time monitoring how well they are delivering against their strategies and the programme priorities
Civil Society and LEPs Engagement with all stakeholders Building meaningful strategic relationships Help deliver social inclusion (20%!) That is not the only offer – civil society sector comes in many different forms – CICs, social enterprises, mutuals and trade unions
Local focus new opportunities? Match funding for the sector (e.g. Big Lottery Fund) to complement Growth Programme Community Led Local Development Community Grants Social innovation, social inclusion, social investment, technical assistance and capacity building
Local focus new opportunities? What is CLLD? Modelled on previous Leader approaches (RDPE) An optional tool for territorial development Focussed on sub-regional areas (10-150,000 population) Driven by local communities Multi-sectoral (public, private and civil society) Integrated approach single or multi-fund options possible e.g. ESF + ERDF; Leader + ESF + ERDF; EMFF + ESF etc.
Tasks of LAGs Local Action Groups (LAGs) select accountable body Build capacity Draw up selection criteria Call for proposals Selection Monitoring and evaluation
Why should LEPs consider CLLD Local communities and business in control of needs of local area and preferred solutions Opportunity for small scale localised and micro-interventions Interventions complementary to LEP investment strategies Builds the capacity of communities to act & work in partnership to respond to economic, social and environmental challenges Based on co-responsibility and ownership Networking and cooperation activities Strong focus on innovation Long term investment Benefits of investment stay in community Concentrated on areas of need
Timetable April 2013 – Guidance to LEPs on EU Investment Strategies issued July 2013 – Final Guidance issued to LEPs LEP Notional allocations announced September 2013 – First Draft Investment Strategies LEPs produce economic strategic plans January Final Investment Strategies Summer Delivery begins Partners encouraged to link up with LEPs NOW to develop ‘transformational’ projects.
Questions? Thank you and remember that this is an opportunity for you… Thank you!