Weather Stations & Weather Map Symbols
Weather Station Models Label the numbers and symbols of your weather station model in your notes, Follow along. yellowThe segments are highlighted in yellow
Temperature Top left number shows the temperature
Weather Symbol The symbol between the two numbers on the left indicate what the weather is in terms of precipitation.
Notice how more symbols indicate intensity More snow flake symbols =more snow More rain symbols = heavy rain
Dew Point The number on the bottom left shows the temperature the air must be for condensation to occur or the Dew Point. Humidity is a factor of the dew point. This number will be lower than the actual temperature. Remember cold air can’t hold moisture like warm air
Cloud Cover The percentage of the circle that is shaded in reflects the percentage of cloud cover in the sky Similar to a pie chart
Air Pressure This number is displayed on the top right of the weather symbol When the # is high or rising, the weather is fair because the pressure is high When the # is low or dropping, the weather is rainy, because the pressure is low
Wind Barb This shows the direction of the wind, it will point in the direction the wind is coming from, this shows the wind coming from the Southeast The # of lines and/or triangles indicates the speed of the wind
The wind barb points in the direction it is coming FROM. Stronger winds have more flags, or marks
Fronts on a weather map Warm occluded Cold Stationary direction The symbols point in the direction that the front is moving towards Pressure symbols:
Isobars : connect areas with equal air pressure The distance between the isobars is called the pressure gradient The closer the isobar lines, the greater the change in air pressure, and the greater/faster the winds speeds. High pressure systems bring clear/sunny weather and wind flows out and clockwise (right) Low pressure systems bring overcast/stormy weather and wind flows in and counter- clockwise (left)
Weather Map