Welcome to Parkside Lending! THE FUTURE OF MORTGAGE LENDING….. TODAY……….
The value of a Parkside Partnership Common sense underwriting that partners with you to help make the loan work. Exceptional communication and access to underwriting and closing team members. Easy to use pricing engine ensures you have the right net price every time. Scenario assistance from your AE to help you answer the tough questions. Easy to navigate website providing real time information about your loans in process. Pricing updates and notifications during market changes allowing you to protect your pipeline. NON-QM products to help those borrowers who don’t fit into the box. Renegotiate your locks in a changing environment to protect your borrowers.
The value of a Parkside Partnership Purchases are ALWAYS prioritized for underwriting. 95% financing on conforming & 90% on High balance with either LPMI or traditional MI. Order your appraisals Immediately!! There is No waiting period at Parkside. We are Great with flip properties, Up to 95% LTV!! 95% ALL gift- okay on Conforming Loans!! Gift funds for primary and second home permitted. We will accept TBD submissions- on ALL products, including Jumbo. Manual Underwriting is okay. Texas Cash out loans.
The value of a Parkside Partnership Landlord history is not required with DU. Close in a trust on all occupancy types. No upfront borrower forms to sign. HARP to 150% with appraisal waiver!! 5-10 financed properties- okay! Non Perm Resident Alien with AUS accept- EAD cards Okay!! CSR support to help you during every step of the process. Proprietary and Loan Origination System (“LOS”) providing quick and accurate underwriting, seamless doc management,easy to use pricing engine, offering an extremely easy and informative interface to work with Parkside.
Qualify More Borrowers One year tax returns with an LP accept. Pay down of installment debt to 10 payments or less. No trade line requirements- we will go off AUS approval AUS findings dictate borrower reserve requirements. Pay off debt to qualify using LP without closing the accounts!! Blended ratios on LP to 90% (occupant borrower needs to have $1 in income) Calculate HELOC payments directly from credit report. LP Super Conforming- 80% LTV on second homes & Investment, 75% LTV cash out.
Jumbo Products Both Fixed & ARMS Delegated Underwriting- no extra time for investor review!! Asset Depletion program. Property type- SFR, Condos, & 2 units. Gift funds up to 1 million Foreign Income is okay with 2 years tax returns. Combining 1 st and non purchase money 2 nd considered R/T. We will consider Exceptions!! Business funds okay for down payment. Up to 80% LTV
Parkside Collateral ARM Non QM Unlimited # of Financed Properties. Qualify Using Property Cash Flow (not DTI) We Lend to Individuals, Trusts or LLCs No Seasoning Requirements No limits on cash out. Use current appraised value Non Owner Properties Only (1-4 unit residential properties). Mixed used properties allowed Gift Funds Allowed. (even for reserves)/ 6% Seller Credit Allowed We Entertain Exceptions!!!