An Introduction to Using a Flatbed Scanner “The Computer as an Educational Tool: Productivity and Problem Solving” ©Richard C. Forcier and Don E. Descy
Turn the scanner on first… Wait a minute…
Now turn on the computer…
Double click on the Hard disk icon…
When you open the Hard disk, double click on the “Scanner Folder”..
Double click on the “Scanner Software” icon. “OFOTO”* application will open. *Your software may be different.
Place the object to be scanned under the upper right corner of the scanner cover.
Click the “Preview” or “Prescan” button on the “Scan Controls” panel. (NOTE: If this panel is not visible, go to “Windows” on the top menu bar and choose “Show Scan Controls”.)
Click on the white part of the scanner window (the one that has the scanned picture on it) to stop the “ants” from walking around the scanned item.
Select the “Box” icon at the top of the “Tool Bar” which should be located to the left on the scanner window. (NOTE: If this is not visible, go to “Windows” on top menu bar and choose “Show Tools.”)
Place a box around the section that you want to scan. Remember that scanned images take a lot of memory so you may want to choose just a small section for this exercise.
Press the “Scan” button on the “Scan Control” panel.
Go to “File” and choose “Save As.” MAKE SURE YOU SAVE YOUR FILE ON YOUR DISK. Save the picture to your disk in “File Format: PICT” and “Compression: Apple Photo - JPEG”.
Take your picture off the scanner and shut off the scanner. Shut off the computer and monitor.