Overview Description of ELLs Obstacles in Math for ELLs Help ELLs in Math My Critique
5 Principles for language learning Opportunities to read write and listen Teach patterns of English structure Let ELLs talk Correct errors Create opportunities for English interaction
Stages of Language Proficiency Preproduction Stage Early production Stage Speech emergence stage Intermediate fluecy
How to be more culturally responsive Acknowledge and accept differences Validate cultural identity Teach diversity Promote equity and respect Asses fairly Create relationships Motivate Encourage Challenge Assist
Math Language Vocabulary Symbols Syntax Semantics Linguistic Difficulties
Cultural Influences Numerals Money Fractions Measurements Algorithms srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxhbGdvcml0aG1j b2xsZWN0aW9ucHJvamVjdHxneDoxNTVmMmI yZDMwMmRkYWVm&pli=1 srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxhbGdvcml0aG1j b2xsZWN0aW9ucHJvamVjdHxneDoxNTVmMmI yZDMwMmRkYWVm&pli=1
Assessments Language and content assessment Recommended accommodations Translation of assessment Bilingual test Reduce linguistic complexity Use of bilingual dictionary
Benefits of Class Discusions Students are engaged Share ideas Justify reasoning Creates debates Reaches solutions/consensus Develops language skills Conceptual understanding
Strategies for ELLs Vocabulary development Use concrete objects Picture books Compare and contrast Word walls and personal dictionaries Make connections for student Teach symbols Graphic organizers and/or concept maps
Problem Solving Connect to every day life Teach problem solving model Teach different strategies Avoid key words Careful about cultural references Student made problems
Critique/Recommendations I liked the book very much because it helped me better understand the issues ELLs face in this content area. I liked the strategies that I can implement in my class immediately. I recommend that this book be a required reading for in-service teachers because it helps them better understand the complexity of the subject matter and to intervene appropriately.
Correlation to the class Wow! Almost everything that we addressed in class was covered in more depth in this book. There were certainly many correlations: Assessments Training Research Strategies
Reference Kersaint, G., Thompson, D., & Petkova, M., (2009). Teaching mathematics to English language learners. Routledge: New York, NY