Lisa Andrew & Dan Mason Santa Clara County Office of Education Julia Sterne School City Using Data Protocols to Strengthen Your PLC.


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Presentation transcript:

Lisa Andrew & Dan Mason Santa Clara County Office of Education Julia Sterne School City Using Data Protocols to Strengthen Your PLC

Agenda Welcome/Agenda Warm-Up Professional Learning Teams Defined Team Roles and Responsibilities Focus on Learning Using STARS Protocols

Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen Gladwell (2002) identifies three different types of people who help to make trends happen: Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen. Read the three cards on your table. Decide which card best describes you when you are at work.

Affinity Groups Once you have selected the card that best describes you, move to the section of the room denoting your choice. Discuss with others in your group: How your type will work to ensure your grade level will stay motivated and engaged with PLT work. How you will problem-solve when an issue arises in your PLT. The best strategy (ies) for your principal to use to support you.

Outcomes Understand the cultural shifts that must occur when a school decides to take action to ensure all students learn through the use of a Professional Learning Community. Understand the necessary conditions for high quality implementation of a Professional Learning Community Understand how to plan and facilitate successful PLT meetings And ultimately…to affect student achievement!

What is a Professional Learning Team? In pairs, complete a T-chart describing what a PLT is and what it is not Compare your T-chart to page 24 “Professional Learning Teams”

PLT Meeting Protocol 1. Collect and chart data. 2. Analyze strengths and obstacles. 3. Establish goals: set, review, revise. 4. Select instructional strategies. 5. Determine results indicators.

Guiding Questions What do we want students to learn? How will we know if each student has learned? How will we respond when some students do not learn? How can we extend and enrich the learning for students who have demonstrated proficiency? How do we ensure equity of access and opportunity for each student?

Roles and Responsibilities Review the “Team Member Responsibilities” page. Circle the three that you feel will be growth areas for your PLT. What strategies will you employ to support this growth? Review the “Facilitators Role and Responsibilities” Circle the three that you feel with be crucial to your team’s success.


Moving From a Focus on Teaching to a Focus on Learning Focus on teaching: what students should be learning and what assessments should look like… TO Focus on learning: monitoring whether or not students are mastering required content, supporting students who are not successful, and challenging those who are

Developing SMART Goals Write the letters S-M-A-R-T going down the back of your power point packet. As you watch the video segment write the definition of each letter of the SMART goal acronym. Be thinking about how SMART goals are similar and different than the goals your grade level team has written in the past

Developing SMART Goals With a partner, examine the completed SMART goal worksheet. What parts will be familiar to your PLT? What parts will be new for your PLT? Write a SMART goal that you would like to explore today using data from STARS.

Choosing a Data Protocol What questions should we ask when deciding which protocol to use? Who in the PLC should choose the protocol?

Monitoring Progress on SMART Goals

Conduct a PLC Meeting Form a group of three. Choose someone’s SMART goal. Access data from STARS to monitor progress. Choose a protocol to analyze data.

Ahas, Oh Nos, What Abouts On a post-it record three AHAS from the day…and post On a post-it record one Oh Nos from the day..and post On a post-t record one What Abouts…and post