MULTIPLE EXPOSURE SELF PORTRAIT Taking Surrealism to the Next Level
What is multiple/double exposure? In photography and cinematography, a multiple exposure is the superimposition of two or more exposures to create a single image The exposure values may or may not be identical to each other. In other words…. Blending images by exposing film twice or more times. Karlheinz Stockhausen par Claude Truong-Ngoc 1980
How Do I Make One in Photoshop? Start with a portrait Put an image layer on top of the portrait, big enough to cover it Apply blending settings such as “Lighten” to merge the two photos together.
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Our Project Create a double exposure of a photo of your self Add various images that represent you Use blending, opacity and lasso tools to do this
A Dissected Example Final ImageImages Used to Create Final Image
And Another….