The new HELCOM Key results from the streamlining process 2013-14.


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Presentation transcript:

The new HELCOM Key results from the streamlining process

First: inspection of the existing structure and workflow From October 2013 to September 2014 U.S. National Archives

Key results of streamlining

Make HELCOM more effective and flexible

Better focus Where HELCOM has clear added value Targeting policymakers first Improved documentation

Less issues raised but more visibility

Better involvement of the Contracting Parties in elaborating HELCOM documents and inputs Clear definition of the type and timing of input needed from processes outside HELCOM Marina del Castell More involvement

Reaching out to other sectors and processes Mainstreaming marine protection to other policies Address obstacles in delayed implementation Incorporate socio-economic considerations U.S. National Archives

Coordination with other processes Gilad Kavalerchik Synergies especially with other Regional Seas Conventions & EU Identify and use opportunities for joining efforts

Improving efficiency Alex Berger Transparent and timely reporting of monitoring data One responsible actor for leading specified tasks A consultation plan

Focus on policy relevance Modified from image of TheBlackFin

Some more detailed results

Mandates and deliverables of the groups are clearer American Life league (edited)

Daphne Chloet New HELCOM Roadmap with exact timelines until 2021

Common format for groups’ working plans More video conferences Option #1 Common format for groups’ working plans More video conferences Manuel Frias

Current main groups one by one

Gear Group for the Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach Tristan Martin Region-wide co-operation on marine strategies and policies, including other Regional Seas Conventions Regional coordination MSFD: EU members Maritime Doctrine: Russian Federation Permanent

Gear (continued) Craig Miles Managerial role: Integration & coherence between other HELCOM groups

State * Working Group on the State of the Environment and Nature Conservation Two themes, two co-chairs: Monitoring and assessment biodiversity, status of & effects on marine environment Nature conservation and biodiversity protection develop measures & Marine Protected Ares * Tentative name Ata Foto Grup Permanent

State * (continued) Working across monitoring- indicators-assessment chain Cross-cutting: Holistic assessment on the ecosystem health * Tentative name Evelyn Dombkowski

Pressure * Working Group on Reduction of Pressures from the Baltic Sea Catchment Area* Focus: nutrient and hazardous substances inputs on land Follow-up of the implementation of the nutrient reduction scheme Anu Suono * Tentative name Permanent

Pressure * (continued) Monitoring and assessment for water and airborne inputs Coordination of marine litter and underwater noise Keep the Archipelago Tidy * Tentative name

Fish Group on Ecosystem-based Sustainable Fisheries Samuli Korpinen Time-limited Data gaps in assessing human pressures Fishing practices in marine protected areas Migratory fish species Aquaculture

Agri Group on Sustainable Agricultural Practices Update part II Annex III of the Helsinki Convention - Standards for nutrient content in manure - Annual nutrient accounting on farm level - Promote development of methodology for nutrient recycling Anu Suono Time-limited

Maritime working group Response working group Prevention of pollution from ships Swift regional response to maritime pollution incidents No changes in the Terms of Reference HELCOM Permanent

HELCOM-VASAB Maritime Spatial Planning Working Group Coherent regional maritime spatial planning processes in the Baltic Sea No changes in the Terms of Reference Manuel Frias Time-limited

Many expert groups, networks, projects striving for the same goals Bob Boyer

New HELCOM will be a more dynamic team Dodik Putro